
LETTER: In support of the Clubhouse after vandalism ruins mural with swastika

Deb McIntosh
By Deb McIntosh
October 21st, 2019

Ed. Note: This letter is in reference to an act of vandalism that destroyed a local mural, for more coverage, see https://castlegarsource.com/news/vandals-destroy-castlegar-mural

I wonder what the impact is on people who are targeted by vandalism.

As with most gross acts of vandalism we, as a community, speak out, especially on social media (me being one of them).

What I want to say is that not only am I cheesed off at the act of vandalism, but I also want say even more clearly is that, I am sorry to those who use the services of the Club House, as well as the employees that were exposed to that.

What a terrible feeling that must have been to see that statement of hate.

I need you to know that your community is not aligned with that hate-based, disgusting symbol.

I know that your community values you and sees you for the wonderful, giving and loving people that you are.

Your mural spoke loudly and outshines any other message, your message resonates with us.

So please don’t let an insensitive ugly act make you feel unsafe or sad as I can assure you that you are not alone and your community stands beside you.


Deb McIntosh


Categories: Letters


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