
150-strong camping party at the Bombi sparks warning from IHA

Interior Health Authority
By Interior Health Authority
September 16th, 2020

Interior Health (IH) is urging attendees of a camping event at the Bombi Summit (between Castlegar and Salmo) to self-monitor after a large gathering occurred Sept. 12 and 13, 2020.

Interior Health has been alerted to a group of approximately 150 participants who attended the group camping event. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic when we learn that people have participated in large gatherings, IH urges participants to self-monitor for COVID symptoms and get testing should they develop.

We know COVID-19 is circulating throughout the Interior Health region. While there was no confirmed case known to be in attendance at the camping event, the possibility of COVID-19 exposure is increased significantly when large groups gather.

We urge everyone to keep their bubbles small and reduce their number of close contacts.

IH reminds everyone of the importance of following COVID-19 precautions:

  • Do not plan or attend gatherings of more than 50 people.
  • Stay home and avoid travel if you have symptoms, even mild ones.
  • Maintain physical distancing (two metres apart) and use masks when distancing is not possible.
  • Wash your hands regularly and do not touch your face.

Testing is recommended for anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Other milder symptoms may include: runny nose, fatigue, body aches (muscles and joints aching), diarrhea, headache, sore throat, vomiting and red eyes.

Information about testing and public exposures to COVID-19 throughout the Interior Health region are available here: https://news.interiorhealth.ca/news/public-exposures/

Answers to frequently asked questions are available on the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control website, available here: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/common-questions

Categories: Health


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