
IHA reports COVID-19 exposures in Trail, Slocan schools

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
October 1st, 2021

Interior Health is reporting potential COVID exposure events in five local school – two in Slocan and three in Trail, according to the IHA website.

“When a school staff member or student tests positive for COVID-19, public health will notify staff and students who need to take a specific action, such as self-monitoring or isolation, as a result of a COVID-19 exposure,” the site reads. “Interior Health will post exposure notifications when a staff member or student attended school while infectious and there is a possible risk of exposure to COVID-19.”

The potential exposure events Trail happened at JL Webster Elementary between Sept. 14 – 17, and Sept. 20 – 24, at Glenmerry Elementary between Sept. 20 – 24, and at J.L. Crowe Secondary from Sept. 20 – 23.

In Slocan, Brent Kennedy Elementary saw potantial exposure events between Sept. 20 – 24, and at W.E. Graham Community School between Sept. 20 – 23.

Schools will be removed 14 days after exposure date.

Students between Kindergarten and Grade 3 will now be required to wear masks at school.


This post was syndicated from https://trailchampion.com
Categories: Health
