
City of Castlegar Council Highlights - January 10, 2022

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
January 12th, 2022


1. Ty Hetchler presented to Council regarding upgrading youth centre services in Castlegar.

2. Jayme Jones and Rob Tanner, on behalf of Selkirk College, presented the Bridging Rural Homelessness and Well-being – A Sustainable and Collaborative Regional Response Project. Council supported the project by providing $7,500 in-kind support, a letter in support for their grant application to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and providing a $7,500 financial contribution.


Throughout 2022, staff will be reviewing the City’s Policy Manual and providing reports to Council with proposed amendments, deletions and additions. Council considered the first of several reports which proposed deletions and amendments to the following sections to keep policies relevant and within best practices for local government:

•Probationary Period

•Employee Savings Plan

•Rules of Conduct

These revisions will be considered for adoption at the January 24, 2022 Regular Council Meeting.


1. Council designated the 2021 Community Enhancement budget of $25,000 to the Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society for the Doukhobor Archives and Research Centre project. This project is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing rare materials and artifacts related to Doukhobor history and culture. It will be situated in the basements of the communal living houses at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre.

2. Council asked staff to work with the Community Living BC Kootenay Community Council to facilitate planting a tree in Castlegar in recognition of leaders who have paved the way for people with diverse abilities in the community.


Council approved releasing resolutions from 2021 In-Camera Council Meetings to the public.


Council adopted the 2022 Sewer Regulations and Rates Amendment Bylaw 1373 and 2022 Waterworks Regulations and Rates Amendment Bylaw 1374. To ensure City Services operate smoothly, utility rates are increasing in 2022 to cover the increased costs in operating our city’s water and sewer systems. Water rates will see the monthly flat rate increase from $30 to $31.77/month. The rate for water consumption, in excess of 30 cubic meters, will increase from $0.68 to $0.72 per cubic meter. Sewer rates will see the monthly flat rate increase from $24 to $25.56/month. The consumption rate for sewer will increase from $0.38 to $0.40 per cubic meter.

Categories: Politics


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