Broadband in Castlegar explained
This is the first of a four-part series that will describe what broadband is, what the potential is for rural communities as well as how and why Castlegar is exploring options around the development of high speed fibre optics broadband. Part One: The Columbia Basin Trust, the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC) and...
Selkirk College Hairdressing Students Up to the Challenge
Selkirk College Hairdressing Program students are engaged in a friendly competition and you’re invited to get involved in a way that will leave you with a fresh look. At the start of January, cosmetology services at Selkirk’s Silver King Campus opened for business. Students in the Hairdressing and Esthetics Programs started...
Annual Beans and Rice dinner to send Selkirk students to Guatemala
The Selkirk College Nursing Program’s annual Beans and Rice extravaganza returns to Castlegar in February. This delicious, traditional Guatemalan dinner starts at 6 p.m. on Feb. 7 and takes place at St. Rita’s Catholic Church in Castlegar in support of third-year Selkirk College nursing students who will be participating in...
LIBRARY MUSINGS: Fines gone, Mother Goose back
Remember what I talked about in my last column? About how our Board of Directors had passed a motion to do away with overdue fines? Well, that very same progressive Board is looking for a few good women and men to join in the fun – if you think you might be interested in joining the library Board, give us a call or stop by ...
Apply now for CBT grants for arts, culture and heritage
Artists in all disciplines—as well as arts, culture and heritage organizations—are invited to apply for funding through the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA), which delivers the Arts, Culture and Heritage Program of Columbia Basin Trust. “This is the 17th year that CKCA has been able to provide financial support for...
Selkirk College Instructor Helps Bring 1001 Arabian Nights to Life Through Sand
It’s the world’s biggest sand sculpture project, but Mother Nature almost destroyed it before it could come to life. Earlier this winter Selkirk College instructor Denis Kleine was part of an international effort that brought more than 60 sand sculptors to Kuwait City to build a massive temporary theme park called 1001 Arabian...
Rumours of Aviation Program's death have been greatly exaggerated - and could hurt the whole region
It's perhaps dangerously premature to start sounding the death knell for Selkirk College's renowned aviation program, despite the college's decision not to take new students for the 2014 year. The program, designed to accommodate 18 students, will only see three move forward into second year, with no new applicants being...
SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Fruitvale Station
What is that glow emanating from the furnace of Humanity? Could it be a powerful desire to enrich Civilization through compassion; an earnest attempt at stemming the tide of increasing global disparity; or a passionate striving toward collective enlightenment? Nope…..I’m afraid it is none of the above….sigh. Unfortunately, ...
CBT green lights more than $100,000 for youth projects
Fifteen projects that benefit Basin youth were recently approved to receive funding through Columbia Basin Trust’s Youth Grants Program. The projects will receive a total of $107,400. “Applicants submitted a diverse range of project ideas to the program,” said Sabrina Curtis, Director, Sector Initiatives for the Trust. “We ...
LETTER: Pass Creek Winter Celebration a hit
Hello Pass Creek Residents and community supporters; What an amazing Winter Celebration for the Pass Creek Community. • More than 120 people attended the event, with more than 40 families and 46 kids visiting Santa; • 96 wooden ornaments were decorated to take home; • 147 food items collected for Christmas hampers (est. $300...