

Free legal advice for local businesses

The Kootenay-Boundary region is a hotbed of entrepreneurial spirit, talent and creativity that continues to hatch innovative small businesses. While great ideas and enterprise are here in abundance, the legal steps required to translate ideas into a fully operational and functional businesses can be a major hurdle. In September 2012 , the “Ask An Expert” […]

Greenwood water wins bronze and silver in this year’s water tasting competition

Greenwood may have lost their place as the top tap water in the world, but the great tasting water still took home two medals at the 23rd annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition this past weekend. The Greenwood water got a bronze in the Best Municipal Water in the World category, where the same […]

St John Ambulance to close Trail branch, but will remain in region

After upwards of 70 years in Trail, SJA is closing its Trail branch and disbanding its local first-aid Brigade, citing a diminished volunteer-base as the primary reason for the branch closure  – but never think that means they’re turning their backs on the  Kootenays. “Of course we’ll still be delivering programs in the Kootenays with […]

City's $20.83-million budget unveiled; 3% tax increase for residents

The City of Castlegar is all set to unveil its $20.826-million 2013 budget at a public meeting Feb. 18. The meeting, slated for 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. (directly preceding council's regular meeting at 7 p.m.) will be an opportunity for residents to see what the city has planned and offer feedback and suggestions before the document...

Downtown business owners respond to city's parking boot

There’s a mixed reaction from downtown business owners to city council’s decision, at its last regular meeting, to ‘boot’ (immobilize) prolific parking violators with unpaid fines in the city’s downtown core (until now, the only options were to either impound the vehicle or issue a violation ticket). A report issued by city staff indicated the […]

Teck charged for effluent disharge into Columbia River

Teck Trail Operations was officially charged Friday in relation to accidentally-discharged effluent with a higher-than-allowable pH-level, according to a press release issued by Teck representative Richard Deane. Deane said the incident occurred March 5, 2011, and the company is being charged under the Fisheries and Environmental Management Acts. He said the water used to clean […]

What Ontario Can Learn from Greece

By Livio Di Matteo, The Fraser Institute “Even Greece, the poster child for rampant debt, carried an Ontario-style debt load as recently as 1984” — Don Drummond (2012) Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services Greece is experiencing a massive fiscal crisis rooted in rampant debt with resulting cuts to its public spending and […]

Local activists voice displeasure over Enbridge to National Energy Board’s Joint Review Panel

By Suzy Hamilton, The Nelson Daily Quoting UBC Kermode bear expert Kermitt Ritland, bear biologist Wayne McCrory said: “One thing is for sure, black oil will not look good on a white coat.” “What are we going to tell our children when we knew what was inevitable and approved it anyway?” McCrory was presenting a […]

The compensation gap; why it pays to be a government worker in BC

by Jason Clemens and Amela Karabegovic More than three years after the end of the recession and British Columbia’s provincial government continues to struggle with deficits, which as of the last quarterly update will likely exceed $1.5 billion. Relying on revenues to rebound enough to catch up with spending just doesn’t work as BC’s own […]

Castlegar? There's an app for that!

Members of city council’s Green Committee will be attending a webinar Feb. 7 to consider creating a Castlegar ‘app’ for your smart phone. Councillor Kevin Chernoff said this is but one of many neat ideas council is looking at to enhance service and stewardship on the city’s part. “A city app would have several advantages,” ...