

OP/ED: MLA Conroy speaks to area education issue

I have read, watched and listened with interest the continuing discussions about education in this area. I have seen passionate and articulate citizens working together to find solutions and generating new ideas to support education in their communities. School board trustees have worked tirelessly under very difficult circumstances to try and find options and funding. […]

Castlegar's turn for school closure meeting; councillor counsels against municipal funding for schools

Castlegar’s about to get its turn after a meeting held by School District 20 in Rossland Tuesday night drew 500 residents to discuss the future of Rossland Secondary School. A similar meeting is slated for Castlegar tonight at Twin Rivers Elementary at 6:30 p.m., with one option on the table being the closure of Castlegar […]

School district to meet with Hume school parents over mould removal; some parents already switched schools

By Suzy Hamilton, The Nelson Daily School District 8 and public health officials have agreed to meet with Hume School parents about air quality and related health issues at the elementary school. After a series of air quality tests, mould was removed from the school over Christmas break, but the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)...

LETTER: You do the math

Pretend you are back at school and your teacher assigns you the following math problem: School District 20 is facing another huge fiscal crisis due to government down-loading of costs and needs to cut its budget by $1,750,000 and has decided that it wants to close some schools before sharing all of the potential options it ...

Rossland council supports Neighbourhoods of Learning as school closure crunch fast approaches

As the School District No. 20 (SD20) board approaches it’s February, 2013, decision on school closures in Rossland, council decided on Jan. 4 to inject $5000 into the Neighbourhoods of Learning Committee (NOL) prior to adopting the 2013 budget. The deadline for written public submissions to SD20’s facilities process ended on Jan. 4, but the […]

Human conditions: Socialism’s dream or the machinery of matter?

“Being determines consciousness, not consciousness, being.” “Philosophers have until now merely interpreted the world; the point is to change it.”                                                        - Charles Henry Marx “The crisis is not material, physical, or scientific, the crisis is spiritual.” “No one is transformed...

LETTER: A modest proposal for the BC Liberals, the Ministry of Education, and SD20

Dear madames/sirs, Nobody can deny that our government needs to focus on the citizens that count. We cannot continue to spend money on education, health care and social services while the population using those services are barely  paying into the tax base. Less than 3% of children and teens attending school earn an income,...

Making resolutions for 2013? Resolve to be safe

As the new year begins, so do thoughts of resolutions. While most resolutions involve vows to exercise more and adopt healthy eating habits, BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) has three suggestions for resolutions that can make the world a safer place for you, your family and your community. Learn CPR. BCAS attends 2,400 to 2,800 ...

2012 Kootenay Contraption Contest sets record for entries, solves looming energy crisis

How will we use less energy in the year 2050? That answer just became a little clearer courtesy the hopes, dreams, imagination and creativity of 143 Kootenay Boundary students. The annual Kootenay Contraption Contest put on by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST), GLOWS (Growing Learning Opportunities ...

B.C.'s Grade 4 students among world's top readers

Things are looking up in the education system after B.C.’s Grade 4 students were graded the world’s top readers at their grade level and had the highest average score in Canada, according to a just-released international report. In 2011, 45 countries and nine Canadian provinces took part in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study […]