

Kootenay Gallery seeking funds to relocate

The Kootenay Gallery of Art is moving forward with relocation plans and has asked the City of Castlegar to kick in $8,000 to that purpose. At its regular meeting Monday night, council heard from a gallery delegation, including board chair Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff. “At the March 2014 Strategic Planning session, the Board of...

Recreation talks between Trail/Rossland break down

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the City of Trail: Trail City Council reports that, following weeks of negotiations with the City of Rossland to reach a Parks and Recreation Funding Agreement, unfortunately discussions have discontinued at this time.  Mayor Mike Martin, who formed part of the City’s...

City water not the culprit in cluster of illnesses after Thanksgiving

A cluster of gastroenterological (GI) illness reported at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on Oct. 13 and 14 were not caused by contaminated water in Castlegar, despite rumours to the contrary. Medical Health Officer Dr. Sue Pollock said IHA received a report from the hospital about a small cluster of patients suffering...

RANT: If you can't stand by it two weeks from now, shut up

When the city passed a new bylaw that said a motion without a seconder would not be reported, I was prepared to write in opposition to same. If it happened, record it. Period. Right? My problem with it was this: you may have a voice of dissent on council. That may not be comfortable for you, but your comfort level is not my...

Province accused of working with forest industry on mountain caribou recovery plan

As the province’s wolf cull gets set to enter its second season, environmentalists are accusing the provincial government of letting logging companies affect mountain caribou management policies. The province launched into the wolf cull last winter, claiming it was necessary to protect the dwindling South Selkirk and South ...

World-class wetland centre coming to Creston Valley

Plans are moving ahead to build a new wetland interpretive Center in the Creston Valley.   The mission of the center is to promote knowledge and foster appreciation of Columbia Basin history, Ktunaxa cultural teachings, and wetland ecology.  Through the creation of a vibrant ecotourism Center for education and science,...

Kootenay Boundary faces shortage of psychiatrists

The region’s medical shortages continue, despite Castlegar finally having a full contingent of general physicians – the issue now being a shortage of psychiatrists. Cheryl Whittleton, Heath Service Administrator for the Kootenay Boundary, said three local psychiatrists have resigned in the past six months, leaving the region...

From the RCMP strange-but-true files: bizarre incident with local driver

The Castlegar Health Centre apparently saw a patient without patience, according to Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Dave Johnson. “We got a call just before 10 a.m. yesterday (Monday) that a driver on Hwy 22 en route to Trail was driving at a high rate of speed and was unable to maintain their lane,” Johnson said. “Also, the back door ...

Hot panhandling bylaw topic fizzles out on council's griddle; decision delayed until spring, 2016

The burning issue and ethics of whether or not to institute a panhandling bylaw for Nelson's downtown will now have to smoulder for another six months. City council balked at the decision to advance to third reading on draft legislation for a panhandling bylaw Monday night during the regular council meeting, choosing instead...

Writers Take Note -- Essay Contest: $10,000 Prize

Friends of  Canadian Broadcasting announcement:  The Dalton Camp Award will go to the winner or winners of an essay competition on the link between democracy and the media in Canada. For thirteen years now, FRIENDS has sponsored the Dalton Camp Award, an essay competition honouring the memory of a great Canadian journalist ...
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