

LETTER: Residents band together to protect Pass Creek watersheds

Dear Editor: We are concerned citizens of Pass Creek, Robson and Raspberry who have united in a campaign to protect Pass Creek watersheds from the negative effects of road building and logging, and to preserve our scenic and wildlife corridor. The Rialto Creek/Ladybird mountain area provides domestic drinking and agricultural...

Selkirk College Signs Transfer Agreement with Royal Roads University

Selkirk College recently signed an agreement with Royal Roads University to allow Selkirk Business Administration graduates to transfer into RRU’s Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration programs after two years of study. More options for students Selkirk students, who have successfully completed a Business Administration...

COMMENT: Referendums

As a dual citizen, Canadian and Swiss, I have the right to vote in Switzerland’s national referendums. In 2012 there were twelve referendums dealing with issues ranging from animal disease legislation to the application of the state’s gambling revenue earnings. In March of this year the Swiss voted in referendums concerned ...

Thoughts in fits and starts

The way to ruin the American people is to give them everything they want. -- John Steinbeck The nobility of poverty I’m always hearing people extol the virtues of humanity when we are in a dire crisis, whether it is earthquake, flood, fire, famine, tsunami, or war. We are at our best when we have to help each other, because...

lst International Colville Rotary Chili Cook-Off--and mounted archers! All in Colville this weekend

The 1stInternational Colville Rotary Cook -Off is coming soon--the first event of its kind in the area. In the planning for over one year, this Colville Rotary fundraiser will support many community projects. It will bring chefs and entertainment from British Columbia, Ritzville, Bellingham, Colville, Loon Lake, Chewelah and...

Got video? You may find yourself suddenly popular...consider submitting to the Rossland Mountain Film Festival 2013!

The Teck Rossland Mountain Film Festival is set to celebrate its fourteenth year of existence this November, as the annual festival runs from Wednesday the 13th to Sunday the 17th in R-Town, Rossland BC, home to Red Mountain Resort and The Seven Summits. Currently, the RMFF board is actively seeking entries from filmmakers ...

Public has say in new BC liquor laws

People who want to have a drink on the beach or enjoy a family lunch with drinks with children can now voice their choice through a new website launched by the B.C. Government. Parliamentary Secretary for Liquor Reform John Yap launched the new Liquor Policy Review website - www.gov.bc.ca/liquorpolicyreview - while touring ...

Smokies take heat from Penticton in home opening

The Penticton Vees spoiled the Smoke Eaters’ home-opening party, winning a pair of weekend games by 5-1 and 7-0 scores at Cominco Arena in Trail Friday and Saturday. Minnesotan forward Max Coatta opened and rounded out the Vees' scoring as part of a hat-trick performance, as the Vees took advantage of a nervy home squad in ...

GF council makes it clear they support the ag society's efforts but are not GE free

City councillors want to make it clear that Grand Forks is not a genetically-engineered (GE)-free zone. The issue came up at the regular Sept. 9 meeting when Coun. Gary Smith made a motion to rescind the previous motion from their Aug. 19 meeting. The original motion stated that council supported the Grand Forks and Boundary...

The trail is officially getting paved after a sod-turning event

Phase one of the trail enhancement project between Grand Forks and Christina Lake has officially begun. On Thursday, officials held a sod-turning event at the trail head by the Nursery Trestle near Roxul. Member of Legislature (MLA) Linda Larson was there along with city councillors Michael Wirischagin Bob Kendel , Patrick ...