

Kootenay Livestock Association announces new grassland and rangeland enhancement fund

Projects that enhance grasslands and rangelands will soon be able to apply for funding support from a new Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Fund. Supported by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), the pilot program will be delivered by the Kootenay Livestock Association (KLA).   CBT’s contribution of $150,000 is the first year of a potential three-year commitment, […]

A walk to remember: Rossland dog owners hope to make a difference

The tragic story of the Whistler sled dog deaths sparked an emotional response around the world. Canadians were stunned by the senseless loss of life; many were angry enough to post fiery comments on Facebook, some were angry enough to make death threats against the perpetrators, but how many are angry enough to do something […]

Don't forget your Valentine

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell ...

Food Friday: Sweet buckwheat crackers

I just have to be honest. I’m a total sucker for buttery, brown sugary goodness, like butter tarts, and pecan squares. I mean, really, who isn’t? If you say you aren’t you’re a liar, and you know it. Well you no longer have to live a lie-filled, deprived life as you try to make healthier […]

Nelson rallies to support democracy in Egypt

On February 11th, the community of Nelson held a rally to support the Egyptian people in their struggle for democracy and freedom from tyranny.  The protestors were determined to make their voices loud enough so that Canadian leaders would hear and pressure Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down as President. Before the news of […]

Rousseau, Nasser and the Egyptian revolution

 In watching the live streaming coverage of the Egyptian revolution on Aljazeera I am awe-struck by the incredible humanity of what is unfolding in that country. I imagine Jean Jacques Rousseau wandering amongst the throngs of people and being equally amazed and delighted. For the character of this uprising, this outpouring of frustration and joy, of kindness […]

QUNFUZ: The Imitator

 picture by Ali Farzat He copies phrases from foreign newspapers into a notebook. Then he copies his notes into a larger notebook with a flag and a band of gold on the front. His mouth imitates the words of the state TV channel, and the words of undead clerics, and the words of puff-eyed men […]

Cemeteries full, Trail monorail unlikely: RDKB holds a town hall meeting

Finance-based gatherings can be dull. So kudos to the Area B gentleman who livened things up Tuesday night at the regional district’s Town Hall meeting held in Oasis. Among the enjoyable tidbits revealed regarding the region’s future: a monorail in Trail is unlikely, the district will not be proposing any new bridges, and Pacific Coastal […]

Update on Cole Hoodicoff and Rick Hansen visit

Local 11-year-old Cole Hoodicoff, who suffered a skiing injury Jan.3 that may have left him paralyzed from the rib cage down, is recovering well and was inspired by a visit from Canadian icon Rick Hansen on Monday, according to mom Amy Walters. “Hansen and Cole discussed the different sports that Cole might be interested in,...

UKRAINE: Youtube helps discipline traffic police

On Jan. 22, a Ukrainian police officer was filmed [ENG] speaking insolently to a driver he had stopped in the city of Odesa in southern Ukraine, and making offensive comments about the state language. In particular, the video shows the driver addressing the officer in Ukrainian and the policeman replying in Russian that he “does […]
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