

Legislation to stop ambulance strike

Ed Note: The following is a press release issued by the provincial government:The province is taking action to restore full emergency care to  protect British Columbians, Minister of Health Services Kevin Falcon  announced today in introducing legislation to end the strike by CUPE 873, the union representing BC Ambulance...

Gaming centre a go for 2010

Photo: artist’s rendering of the proposed new gaming centre, courtesy the City of Castlegar. Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff said today that the $7.9-million gaming centre slated for Castlegar is still very much on the books, with Terrim Properties’ Terry Segarty spearheading the development. “He’s still a part of the project – he’s just bringing in […]

Province responds to allegations of diminished H1N1 vaccine supply

Ed Note: the following is a press release from the B.C. provincial government, issued Oct. 30: Despite unexpected delays in the manufacture of pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine in Canada, all British Columbians who need or want the vaccine will be able to receive it before the end of the year as has been said previously, Minister […]

Landmark season for DDC

The Doukhobor Discovery Centre (DDC) has completed its 38th season, and is pleased to report its highest attendance, sales and revenue to date. Visitors attended from a total of 73 different states, provinces and countries. With the close of the season, two new signs have been erected at the turn-in to the DDC.The first one...

Gearing up for "gate night"

Castlegar authorities are gearing up for a tradition unique to the Kootenays ... "gate night." Castlegar fire chief Gerry Rempel says tonight ("gate night") and tomorrow night (Hallowe'en), are traditionally busy ones for local emergency services - but non-locals may not understand why. "We'll be out doing patrols," he said....

Province cautions against over-use of Tamiflu as H1N1 spreads

EdNote: The following is a press release issued by the provincial governmentAs B.C. continues to experience increased pandemic H1N1 influenza activity, health officials are reiterating important messages regarding the use of antivirals to treat infection from this novel virus."Over 9,000 prescriptions of antivirals were filled...

RCMP: Hallowe'en scariest for miscreants

Castlegar cops are supporting the spooky - but only  to a point, as they are stepping up services to prevent Hallowe'en hijinks from getting out of hand."Officers will be dedicated to deal with issues at Kinnaird Park, Millennium Park, the Recreation Complex and any other potential problem areas," said RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff....

Castlegar mayor calls on small business to "step up"

Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff threw down the gauntlet for the city’s small business community at the Chamber of Commerce’s annual general meeting at the Fireside Inn last night. “There’s a change coming that will effect absolutely everyone, not just in Castlegar, but throughout the entire province,” he said. “Small business in B.C. employs one million people, […]

RCMP: Facebook not the venue for reporting crime

Local police are reminding residents that social networking sites like Facebook are not the place to report crimes, and that false allegations of criminal activity posted on these sites can have serious repercussions.This, after a Facebook thread last week reported that a group of men accosted one girl, who allegedly escaped...

CBT wants your vote on photo contest

View images by clicking here Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) wants you to vote for your favourite photo! The Show Us Your Basin photo contest, which closed earlier this month, received nearly 1,000 images from residents across the Basin. These images have been narrowed down by a selection committee and now CBT wants residents to choose […]
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