

Op/Ed: Anglers an important part of Kokanee comeback

The year is 1941. Wonder Woman makes her first comic book appearance, boxes of Cheerios appear on grocery store shelves for the first time, singers Joan Baez, Neil Diamond and Aaron Neville are born, and an attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese Navy changes the course of WWII by drawing the United States more […]

BC Wildlife Federation's BC Rivers Day: The New Normal is anything but normal

September 24, B.C. Rivers Day highlights the decline of the province’s vital arteries  It is tempting to shrug off the latest catastrophic wildfire season as The New Normal and throw up our hands about the damage that incinerated forests do to B.C. rivers and fish habitat. Forest fires are normal, natural, and even rejuvenating for […]

Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

Arrow Lake levels & Columbia River Treaty I have lived in Castlegar most of my life – moving here when my dad got a job at the pulp mill in the early 1960s and I was a young child. One of my earliest memories as a child was watching houses being moved and floated down […]

MP Cannings From the Hill: On Mental Health Supports

The Federal government needs to do more… to provide better mental health supports. This sentence really could have ended in so many different ways. Last month, I wrote about how, after 30 years of abandoning housing investments, the feds need to get back into the housing game. Before that it was childcare, and before that […]

OP/ED: From Executive Director, Columbia River Treaty, and B.C. lead, Canadian Negotiation Delegation

As British Columbia’s lead in negotiations with the United States to modernize the Columbia River Treaty, I would like to comment on the difficult conditions in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir this year. My perspective comes from having lived in the West Kootenay for 10 years, assuming several provincial environmental roles in the region and, for […]

Column: Entropy -- a city and a civilization

‘ “To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich. To study hard, to think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes, and sages with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, to do all […]

Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

As families prepare for their kids to begin or return to school next week, they may be feeling the pressure of back-to-school costs. I know that some people in our community are facing higher costs that are more difficult to afford, especially families with young children. I’m working with my colleagues in government to help […]

Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

When we face disasters like wildfires, so many people come to the forefront as heroes in communities all across B.C. Our BC Wildfire Service team first and foremost deserves our thanks and respect for the work they are doing. Fighting fires, protecting homes and communities, and putting their lives on the line day after day […]

LETTERS: Keep industry out of our politics

Dear editor, This summer has made it clearer than it’s ever been before. We are in a climate emergency, and it’s time to act like it. But instead of getting us off fossil fuels and salvaging a livable future for our children, our federal government is offering piecemeal half-measures. The recent announcement about limiting fossil […]

Newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

As a province, we’re proud to be a place where newcomers choose to live and where diverse communities can feel welcome, but we know that this isn’t always the case. Systemic barriers persist and mean it’s not always easy for people to thrive in B.C. and we know there’s work to be done to change this. That’s why we announced...
-2°C Clear Sky

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