

It’s the economy, dippers

The NDP leadership race suddenly seems like a very long, drawn out affair. Initially, there was much outrage – especially from Thomas Mulcair – at the suggestion that the party go along with what Jack Layton seemed to want: an earlier leadership convention in January. But now many in the party, lead by Winnipeg MP Pat Martin...

Want change? So you can whine ... or wine

 Making the switch to online media two-and-a-half years ago was like a crack in the dam – the changes in my life have been coming fast and furious ever since. <?xml:namespace prefix = o /> This is a good thing, and largely something I’ve chosen – Gandhi wasn’t blowing smoke when he said, “Be the change you want to see...

Fox News North: Your national, pro-war TV network

You will no doubt recall the controversy surrounding the efforts of Quebec billionaire Pierre Peladeau to get a prized licence for his Sun News TV network. If he had succeeded, the cable companies would have been obliged to carry his extremist right wing news channel, dubbed by many as “Fox News North.” In the end, the CRTC...

OP/ED: Is, "OMG, you made me LOL," the new English standard?

 It occurred to me, today, that I’m not taking optimal advantage of my comparatively new medium, the Internet.Trained as a traditional print journalist, I’m not accustomed to asking questions of my readership – in my old paradigm of print news, replies, when they came, took too long to receive and publish, and were generally...

SHADES OF GREEN: The Keystone XL protests and the Occupy Movement

The protest against the 2,763 km Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta's tar sands to America's Gulf States' oil refineries are driven by a deeper concern than risk to Nebraska's Sand Hills region and its underlying Ogallala aquifer. The same applies to The worldwide Occupy movement, too, is motivated by a deeper concern than...

OP/ED: B.C. needs to tighten belts or suffer the consequences

By: Jordan Bateman, Canadian Taxpayers Federation B.C. Finance Minister Kevin Falcon, like a cliché movie hero, is slowly sinking into fiscal quicksand. In his recently released quarterly fiscal report, he told British Columbians that economic growth has slowed, crown corporation revenues are down and the provincial deficit is exploding. The true culprit – runaway spending […]

My Rx for Occupy Vancouver success

I hope the REAL Occupy Vancouver movement does not fade away. For MOST of our sakes, it MUST not. Their message--that the rich must STOP getting richer at the expense of the rest of us--must not die, or be forgotten, or cease to be advocated. promoted and brought to success in our society. Readers of this blog will know how...

Atamanenko seeks to give Conscientious Objectors the right to stop paying for war

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior), introduced a Private Members Bill in the House of Commons today that would give conscientious objectors an official sanction to spend their taxes on nonviolent alternatives to war. Bill C-363, would allow Canadians, who object to paying taxes for military purposes on conscientious or religious grounds, to divert an […]

Vancouver activists corrupt Occupy movement

This blog comes to you from the United States …where the Occupy movement is real and still relevant.Make no mistake about it there is a BIG difference between the majority of those keeping the Occupy movement alive down south and those Occupy pretenders in Vancouver/Victoria who have co-opted and stolen the original cause. ...

"Cowboy hat" protest planned against Harper crime bill

Canadians across the country are mobilizing to oppose the rushed passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill. If passed, Bill C-10 would shift Canada to a cruel, costly and failed fill-the-prisons approach to justice. The 150+ cross-country actions at MP’s constituency offices are focused on Thursday at 1PM, with some taking place throughout the day and Friday. […]
-1°C Broken Clouds

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