

Editorial: The value and the danger of “Climate Change Adaptation” programs

Readers may well wonder about the “danger” mentioned in this headline.  The value of climate change adaptation is obvious to the well-informed: it will help willing residents and their communities better survive the extremes that climate change is bringing. Better water conservation can prepare communities for longer, more ...

KCTU: An Open Letter to Minister Conroy: Taking Away Services From Kids Is Not Equity

For audio, click here Dear Minister Conroy, After 16 years of a government that constantly picked fights with teachers and underfunded public schools, many in BC’s education sector felt relief when your government was elected. Teachers heard MLAs like you congratulate us on our Supreme Court win and back us up on our fight ...

LETTER: We need to take action on Castlegar homelessness

Dear Editor, I would like to open the conversation up on homelessness in our area. We have people who are needing help and understanding. In fact, many of them are people who have grown up here who have just hit a rough patch. Some have never had a run-in with the law and others who are simply poor, which is not a crime. Yes,...

Opinion: Bears and us

I’ve been amused, in past years, by signs posted here and there in Rossland that announce “WARNING:  BEAR IN AREA.”   I’ve suggested that the City should just post warning signs at the entrances to Rossland, announcing, “Rossland is bear country.  Please do not freak out if you see a bear.  Do not approach the bear. Remain ...

Letter: Looking out for the electrified biker

To The Editor: With the transitional relief of Spring lighting up our lifestyles – allowing us some space to refresh and relish our step, making room for hope, enthusiasm and a time for excitement.  This year, though, I am beginning to sense a potential conflict while moving around Nelson. I’ve observed two things: firstly, a […]

Column: From the Hill -- Invasive Species Action Inadequate

Lost in the recent media frenzy over the SNC Lavalin scandal were the 2019 Spring Reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. These last reports from Julie Gelfand before her retirement focused on protection of fish and their habitat from mining effluent, subsidies to the fossil fuels industry...

LETTER: Asking why only two members of council appear to have spoken out about homophobic commentary during council's question period

To the editor, Regarding last week's council meeting, wherein the city, as represented by its council, once again laid bare its parochial colours of phobic postulation and intolerant ideation: I haven't been following too closely the fallout because, as you might surmise, it sets me off- I might almost use the word "triggering"...

LETTER: Councillor apologizes after homophobic comments allowed from the gallery

At Monday, April 1st council meeting a gentleman stood up and made some very inappropriate homophobic comments, along with comments about the homelessness in our community. When I got home, I could not sleep as it really bothered me that not one of us on council or our staff intervened to tell him to sit down and be quiet -...

Column -- From the Hill: Taxpayers and Abandoned Wells

The BC Oil and Gas Commission recently revealed some concerning figures about abandoned oil and gas wells in British Columbia.  In one example, Ranch Energy recently declared bankruptcy, leaving up to 500 abandoned wells in care of the Commission.  Much of the cost to clean up those sites will likely fall on the shoulders of […]

Editorial Rant: RCMP Surveillance of Social Media -- to What End?

Recent articles in The Tyee discuss the revelation that the RCMP have been engaged in monitoring social media – characterized in the article as “ongoing wide-scale monitoring of individuals’ social media use [that] could pose a threat to Canadians’ privacy and charter rights, say experts.” But ...
-1°C Scattered Clouds

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