

LETTER: Breaking down the Complex referendum

There are many opinions about the upcoming referendum and proposed upgrades/enhancements (known as Option B).  With investments of this size it is understandable to get emotionally involved.  Unfortunately, when emotions get high, the facts can be skewed and rumours can become more relevant than facts.  Regardless of what is...

Column: From the Hill -- Pipeline Questions

The Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline has dominated news in the past few weeks.  The public is divided over whether we should build this pipeline and allow Alberta oil sands output to increase, or whether it presents too much risk to BC’s rivers and coastal environments. Many experts described the original project approval ...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: I sometimes think least about the things which matter most

Because it's Sunday (a more casual day, at least in my world), I feel I can write something personal and totally politically irrelevant – just information I stumbled upon which has made my life better, and I want to share. I was talking to my Mom several weeks ago, and told her she's my best friend. She said she found that ...

LETTER: In opposition to Kinder Morgan

To The Editor: I was appalled to hear that the Prime Minister intends to provide a Texas extraction company with billions of tax dollars to foist their dirty pipeline on a reluctant province.  First of all, the Trudeau government has no such mandate.  This government pledged to be a proactive partner in the fight against...

OP/ED: Veteran politician speaks to realities of being on city council

Are you thinking about running in the next Municipal election? First and foremost, I say congratulations for wanting to put your name forward. Second, do not be naive as to what is needed from you, and Third, you can no longer say that you are not a politician. The hours vary but, as an example, I put in more than 20 hours ...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: On why I slept in my jersey last night because I knew it would mean sweet dreams

I'm sure there are writers out there who could witness what happened in our community last night and respond with a coherent, linear narrative of the true significance of same. Sadly, I am not one of them. Linear, by definition, means 'in a straight line'. All of what I saw last night overwhelmed me with the inherent ripple...

An open letter to Const. Jason Tait, on the heartbreak of eight seconds

I have agonized for days – in fact, years – over what and how to write in this situation. I am unspeakably angry with the IIO for torturing you like this, and with the provincial government for creating such a body, then ignoring what damage they do, thus brutalizing the public servants we so fundamentally need. Not to mention...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Proud of my paramedics, ashamed of my community's treatment of them

Even I got snowed into thinking, at first, that the announcement of four new full-time paramedic positions in Castlegar is good news. Now, I’m torn between feeling heartsick, outraged, and not a little ashamed. In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll start with the positive aspects of this announcement. The community paramedic...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Why a 'yes' vote is critical to Castlegar's health

Some of the most common complaints I’ve heard from Castlegar residents include: There are no family doctors taking patients; we don’t have any big box stores like Costco, Walmart, etc; there are no jobs for my adult kids so they’re moving to a larger centre, downtown is unsightly and has too few businesses, and; there’s nothing...

LETTER: RDCK by-laws lacking in fair consultation process

  Ootischenia and Fairview residents, November 16,2017 two bylaws were passed by the RDCK. By-law #2533,2016 increases residents' taxes to expand the service area to include Ootischenia and Fairview to pay for the second by-law. This second by-law, #2388, 2014 is for animal (dog) control services. The RDCK used a method of ...
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