

TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: Tree lord Robert Sommers’ fall from grace

Oh, who doesn’t love a good political scandal? Even though I don’t watch the news anymore, I am enjoying the sideshow that is the Robert Ford debacle in Toronto, and the international attention it’s been getting. And the current federal Conservative senator scandal is pretty juicy, too, I have to admit. I love seeing men […]

COMMENT: Parliamentary Secretary explains recommendation that alcohol be available in B.C. grocery stores

Consistent with support voiced by three-quarters of respondents during the just-concluded Liquor Policy Review, Parliamentary Secretary John Yap has endorsed liquor sales in grocery stores. Yap announced today that his final report recommends government move forward on developing and implementing a retail model that meets...

COMMENT: Retirement Security

Retirement security is one of the most pressing economic issues facing Canadian families today. As many as 5.8 million Canadians - nearly a third of our work force - are facing a steep decline in their standard of living upon retirement.  For many young Canadians, the situation is even more dire. Without real action now to ...

COMMENT: B.C.’s multicultural society is a crucial tie to international trade

Our province has created deep historical, cultural and business ties with countries around the world enabling us to create strong trading partnerships and diversify our markets. Each year B.C. welcomes close to 40,000 new immigrants because we recognize the importance of the wide-range of social and economic benefits associated...

Putting the 'community' in Community Harvest Food Bank

Dear Community Members: It is that time of year again when the Community Harvest Food Bank makes it appeal to the greater community. The Food Bank works hard to offer a variety of different services to those members of our community who may require a little bit of extra help. Some of these services include, but are not limited...

LETTER: Mule deer populations struggle outside of GF

A recent poll in the city of Invermere overwhelmingly supported a deer cull but as expected the much larger question was ignored -- the future of the mule deer. With the exception of the city of Grand Forks and Vancouver Island the urban deer phenomena is driven by the mule deer which is in serious population decline in our...

Doing Time

Many Norwegians responded in disbelief and anger when it was announced that convicted mass murderer Anders Breivik had enrolled in a political science course at the University of Oslo. Allowing a mass murderer to enroll in a university course was going too far. The university’s rector, Ole Petter Ottersen, explained that...

LETTER: A nursing student's plea to allow people to die with dignity

Dear Editor, It was a cool February day when I was forced to play the role of God and make one of the toughest decisions of my life: to end my cat’s pain and suffering through euthanasia. Having had a very special bond with animals all my life, this was not a decision I took lightly. (As she was) previously healthy, I immediately...

Fundraiser for Carol Enns after horrific Washington accident leaves her blind and badly injured

Dear Editor, Carol Enns, of Rossland, was a passenger in a head on collision on June 29, 2013, which crushed her bones, and left her completely blind. Because the accident happened in Washington, and Carol is Canadian, the out-of-country medical expenses have already exceeded the limits of her insurance policy. Carol thanks...

Moving Beyond Our Obsession with Stephen Harper

Remember Brian Mulroney, the PM so many people loved to hate? We need to remember him so we can learn a lesson from that period in our political history: there is a real danger in demonizing prime ministers to the exclusion of other longer term political objectives. Mulroney’s unctuous manner, his arrogance and his shameless...