

We are not disturbed by what is. We are disturbed by our opinions about what is

“There is necessity and order, immune to my idea of what should be – or what ought to be if only humans were better.”  – Charles Jeanes, in my last column. I fully intend to quit my negative habits of criticizing and judging. This column may start in the old vein, but trust me, by […]

COMMENT: Thoughts on the future of the Doukhobors in Canada

I’ve had Doukhoborism on my mind lately. A number of months ago I was asked if I would put some thoughts together about the modern day relevance of St. Peter’s Day (or Petrov Dien) for inclusion in the Canadian Doukhobor Society newsletter. I was happy to say yes as over the past few years I’ve been thinking more and more...

LETTER: Is Rossland a 'fat' energy town? And does the Energy Diet help the poor?

Dear editor, It has recently been stated in a local news publication that “Rossland held the notorious tag as the fattest energy town in BC last year”. This deserves comment and correction. Where on Earth does this myth originate? If this originates from the Energy Diet folks, they should do their homework before making such […]

Attitudes, realities, and living in one's best

  “Dear optimist, pessimist and realist – while you argued, I drank the water.” —- signed, the Opportunist I have quoted a fine example of Nelson wisdom here in past columns. “You create your own reality.” Other gems of the Nelson mindscape: “Everything happens for a reason.” “It must be meant to be.” “It seems […]

LETTER: Lack of deer to blame for cougar problems

One of the major reasons cougar sightings have increased recently is the dramatic decline in the province’s deer population, their traditional prey. Contrary to the pathetic posturing of fish and wildlife staff and organized hunters the ungulate populations in our province are in serious trouble. Although there are a number of reasons the most prominent […]

Food for thought: GDS-free bacon curry, quick homemade Garam Masala

Readers couldn't agree on whether they wanted bacon or curry for this week's recipe - so I got creative and came up with a simple bacon curry recipe that met with mixed reviews. I would've preferred it with chicken or shrimp, but my son absolutely loved the bacon in it and said this recipe is a keeper. I also wasn't wild about...

Sober second thought

The question of whether to abolish or to elect the Senate tends to flare up in the wake of a crass partisan appointment or a flagrant abuse of privilege. That question, however, should not be allowed to negate the question of the Senate’s purpose. We have examples in our history of legislation where, in retrospect, […]

BC’s Election Stunner: Five Lessons for the Left

The NDP’s stunning loss in B.C. is being deconstructed, dissected, analyzed and mourned over not only here but across the country. Every pundit and political junkie, including me, thought the NDP would win, even after their lead suddenly dropped. But unfortunately, most of the analysis won’t be very helpful for those individuals and organizations hoping […]

Candidate says so long, but not good-bye

Dear Editor; To the free citizens of Kootenay West, I owe you thanks. From family and friends to the thousands who made their voice clear on the election ballot, thank you. I chose to step forward to represent you and the support I received was amazing. The calls, e-mails and talks on the street were […]

Food for thought: Teenager-approved pulled pork sandwiches

Sorry I'm a day late with this. On long weekends, I always confuse Sunday and Monday (see, TOLD you I was the ADHD poster child!) at any rate, I hope you find this recipe worth the wait! Thanks to Melissa for the original idea, which I tweaked to my family's taste (we like added heat and spice, and I put garlic in almost...