

FAULTLINES: Canada/Israel: The other 'special relationship'

 This episode of Faultlines on the Real News Network explores how Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is working to conflate the concepts of ‘anti-Israel as an apartheid state’ and ‘anti-semitism’ so that anyone critical of Israel will be considered anti-semitic. Essential viewing for anyone who cares about reason, democracy, and human rights.

Caught counselling murder? Heck, just apologize!

So, I guess if you want to break the law – say, counseling someone to commit murder – you might want the judge to be the CBC’s ombudsman. Hundreds of people complained to the CBC’s guardian of what is right and wrong on the airwaves with complaints about the sinister and twisted Tom Flanagan’s Christian […]

New accounting practice creates net debt for RDCK

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily A new accounting quirk has the regional district sitting at over $8 million in net debt for 2009, its financial audit revealed recently. The Regional District of Central Kootenay is saddled with $8.5 million in net debt — up from $2.48 million in 2008 — according to the consolidated […]

Under James’ own rules, Kwan must go

NDP Leader Carole James mishandled the “Bob Simpson” problem several weeks ago ..and now that has come back to haunt her. At the time, I criticised James for having MLA Simpson turfed from caucus for publicly criticising as lacklustre a speech  she made to the Union of BC Municipalties convention. It was lacklustre.  But although he did not […]

Be part of a Miracle next weekend ... and maybe win cool stuff, too!

So, next Saturday, Dec. 11, you’ll be out shopping, getting gifts for loved ones, buying cards, stocking up on staple holiday fare … what could be more in keeping with the spirit of Christmas than to share a little bit of the season’s bounty with those less fortunate? Mountain FM and The Bridge are making it […]

Castlegar teams with Rossland to oppose SD 20 plans

 Castlegar mayor and city council are calling for an independent analysis to determine the future configuration of local schools, after hearing the School District 20 board’s plan, which proposes closing Blueberry Creek Community School and Castlegar Primary School, as well as the Rossland Secondary School, among other changes.  This, after a closed meeting of the […]

Latest Wikileaks disclosures hint at US diplomatic tactics in Spain and beyond

Yesterday’s release of more US diplomatic cables by Wikileaks covered pressure on governments, Spain’s judiciary, and buying foreign assistance with detentions at Guantanamo Bay. El Pais, one of five mainstream papers partnering with Wikileaks’ release of documents, examined key output from Madrid’s US embassy.   The latest cables focus on US–Spain relations, particularly during the George W. Bush presidency, with Eduardo Aguirre serving as ambassador in […]

Atamanenko faces off against Biotech lobby over seed bill

The massive Biotech lobby has spent nine months and hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting against New Democrat Agriculture Critic Alex Atamanenko’s seed bill.   “The amount of muscle flexing by big biotech against my simple bill has just been over the top,” said Atamanenko. “I am amazed that over 40 industry lobbyists – hired by […]

Wikileaks website attacked; millions of files to be released tonight

 Wikileaks‘ website is reportedly under attack as it prepares to release up to 2.7 million documents, described as “diplomatic dynamite”, detailing communication between United States embassies. “We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack,” the organisation said on its Twitter feed. The website, run by Julian Assange, retaliated by saying that even if their website goes down, several […]

Carole James: Mission accomplished?

Hearing Carole James declare that the challenge to her leadership is over – because the NDP’s Provincial Council backed her – reminds me of George Bush on the US air craft carrier with the huge “Mission Accomplished” sign behind him after the initial attack in Iraq. Talk about not getting it. The NDP is now […]