Occupy the Pipeline Everywhere rally planned Wednesday to oppose Northern Gateway decision
Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline opponents are lining up to voice their displeasure after the federal government announced its approval of the project Tuesday in Ottawa. Included in the group against the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, that will carry petroleum and condensate from Bruderheim, Alta., to Kitimat, B.C., is the Kootenays for a Pipeline-Free BC. “We’re […]
Education Minister releases statement on BCTF negotiations
Education Minister Peter Fassbender released the following statement on the status of bargaining with the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF): “The bargaining teams worked hard through the weekend and progress was made. “On Sunday, the British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) tabled a comprehensive proposal to help end the stalemate, get kids back in […]
Broadband the key to economic development in the Koots
One thing everyone seemed to agree on at the Community Futures Economic Development Forum held in late May was that the economy is shifting towards broadband dependent industries. And that local communities need to adapt and keep up. Community Futures Central Kootenay hosted and organized the conference at the Prestige Lakeside...
Pickleball play promised in park
Trail Parks & Recreation is pleased to announce the City’s new Pickleball courts at Butler Park will officially open with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 10 a.m. on June 21. The courts, recently converted from one of the park’s tennis courts, will accommodate the avid Pickleball players from the Region. “The Pickleball players...
Produce pinchers can't take bite out of edible program
Summertime grinches tried to steal the fun out of a new local program – but the spirit of community proved too strong for their efforts to bear fruit. Edible Landscapes is a new program which now has 65 businesses and service organizations, mostly in the downtown Trail area, participating by growing edible plants in small...
Yoga and Karma and Kitties, Oh My!
Want to take a yoga class, increase your good Karma, and help puppies and kittens, all at the same time? Karma Yoga may be just the ticket - a summer yoga class anyone can attend by donation at Peak Physique on Sundays from 7-8 p.m., with all proceeds going to the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP). “We had six people...
Tour the city's finest gardens this summer
They say to look in your own backyard – but how about taking a sneak peek into some of your neighbours' most beautiful landscapes instead? It's almost time for the 13th annual garden tour, run by the Castlegar Garden Club. This self-guided tour takes place on June 22 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and allows garden lovers to view and...
UPDATED: Parties back to bargaining table; exam schedule released
Now that the war of words through the media between the B.C. Teachers’ Federdation and the bargaining agent for the BC Government, the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association, has died down, the two sides are apparently ready to go back to the bargaining table as more than 40,000 teachers spent time Tuesday on the picket […]
Okinshaw Water Strikes Blue Gold in Blewett
They were drilling for gold in Blewett in 1995 and struck water instead. “They found gold, only it’s blue gold,” says Wayne Rutherford, president of Okinshaw Water on Shasheen Road in Blewett. Now the young company is already bottling Riva, an alkaline mineral water and selling it in Saskatchewan, Edmonton and Nelson, one more local […]
LETTER: In response to rainbow crosswalk controversy
Open message to our LGBT community - I feel compelled to speak on behalf of what I believe is a substantial segment of our community. We just don't know what to say so mostly we stay silent; so shame on us. We are 'straight' (whatever that means) and we just don't get it. We are biased by negative experience with LGBTs who ...