

International scientists call on Canada to re-invest in climate science

Hundreds of prominent international scientists specializing in climate and atmospheric science released an open letter today urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to re-invest in climate science. The letter raises concern that a crisis is looming for Canadian climate and atmospheric research following the government’s failure...

A Letter to Trudeau From Young Researchers

More than 1500 early-career researchers in Canada and Canadian researchers abroad are sending an open letter to the Prime Minister and six Cabinet Ministers, calling for scientific rigour and transparency in Canada’s environmental and regulatory decision-making. “As the next generation of scientists in Canada, we are...

UPDATE: Mourning begins after two-year-old abductee's body found in Alberta

RCMP have found what they believe to be the body of two year-old Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette in a rural area near Blairmore, Alta. The body was located this afternoon during a police search based on information received in their efforts to locate her. Hailey’s family has been notified. “The RCMP extends its deepest condolences to Hailey’s […]

Bill C-51: Canada's Orwellian State Arrives

“In a peaceful age I might have written ornate or merely descriptive books, and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties. As it is I have been forced into becoming a sort of pamphleteer.”—George Orwell, Why I Write, 1946 George Orwell warned of totalitarian states in his dystopic novel ‘1984.’ (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons) […]

Canada: "A Backwater of Ignorance"

On April 14, provincial and territorial leaders are to meet in Quebec City for a special Council of Federation meeting to talk about climate change.  Some prominent Canadians — and many others, less prominent but equally concerned — plan to attend a march there on April 11, in an attempt to get a message to […]

Canada Hedges its Bets on Cluster Bombs

The World Federalist Movement has issued a press release about Canada’s new federal legislation ratifying the implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions — an international treaty intended to ban the use of  cluster bombs.  Canada signed the treaty in 2008, but has only now ratified it by passing the implementing legislation.  There is widespread […]

$15,000 Farming Scholarships Available

 The Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust is accepting applications for their 2016 program.  Applications are due by April 30, 2015 and forms can be downloaded from the Nuffield Canada website at http://www.nuffield.ca. Three scholarships of $15,000 each are available for 2016. Nuffield Farming Scholarships are awarded to enthusiastic individuals, with a passion for agriculture and […]

RCMP "Name the Puppy" contest

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) needs help in naming a handful of their newest (and cutest) recruits! The Police Dog Service Training Centre (PDSTC) in Innisfail, Alberta is asking young Canadians to suggest names for 10 German Shepherd puppies recently born at the Centre. Children are encouraged to be original and imaginative in finding […]

Op/Ed: The "War on Christmas;" It's a real thing

This Op/Ed video is by Derek Forgie. Some readers might recognize him because he travelled with Clara Hughes' Big Ride as she came through the Boundary and West Kootenays. Check out his stance on the "War on Christmas."  Bio (NSB): Equality Advocate Actor, comedian and activist Derek Forgie is a remarkable plate-spinner....

Four Prime Questions about Harper’s Response to Ottawa Shooting

Two weeks after the senseless murder of a soldier on Parliament Hill (and another earlier in Montreal) there are several things we know and many we don’t. Obvious questions have been asked and inconvenient ones have been left aside. We know — and indeed could predict one second after the shooting — that Stephen Harper would...
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