
Cheetah conundrum continues - search called off for Kootenay kitty

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
December 21st, 2015

The search has been cancelled for a cheetah photographed by a resident near Creston last week, although the cat remains at large, according to B.C. Conservation Insp. Joe Caravetta.

(For original story, click here.)

“We’re no longer continuing with the search,” he said. “We’ve had no further sightings of the cheetah or its tracks – but we have spoken to a person of interest and started an investigation.”

He said there’s no telling whether the huge feline is still alive – their veterinarian has said that, if the animal is alone and fending for itself, its survival changes don’t look good. However, Caravetta said, the lack of any sightings or sign present a positive possibility, namely that someone has taken the animal in and is caring for it.

“It’s possible. Otherwise, I would’ve thought we’d have had more sightings,” he said. “If it was desperate for food, it seems likely it would have been attracted to human habitation and the food supplies there.

“It’s possible the (original) custodian found it and took it home.”

In either case, he said there’s very little risk to the public, and reassured the public that Conservation Officers have no intention whatsoever of shooting or killing the out-of-place cat. In fact, they’ve made arrangements for the Calgary Zoo to provide temporary care and accomodation until a permanent placement can be found, providing the cat is located.

“This is a really good example of why British Columbians are required to have a permit to possess these alien species,” he said, adding no such permit has been issued in B.C. “I’d also like to thank the public for all their phone calls and assistance, and ask them to please come forward if they have any more information – they can call us at 1-877-952-7277.”

He also reiterated that the investigation is ongoing, and Conservation is determined to get to the bottom of this bizarre situation.

“We are not letting this slide,” he said.

Categories: General
