
RDCK board adopts Financial Plan

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 18th, 2016

The Regional District of Central Kootenay adopted its 2016-2020 Financial Plan today at its March board meeting Thursday in Nelson.

Chief Administrative Officer Stuart Horn said the new Plan will have a minor impact on taxpayers.

“The Directors were very cognizant of the tax impacts to residents throughout the budget process,” said Horn in a media release.

“There are some increases related to service demands; however, we hope that decreases in other services will result in a small impact on individual tax bills. 

The plan sees General Administration service decrease by about 10 percent over 2015, while Rural Administration increases around five percent.

Other changes include increases to the building inspection (7.8%) and planning (15%) services.  
The RDCK manages and delivers approximately 160 services from General Administration to Planning and Land Use to Emergency Programs to Libraries and Museums.

The complete list can been viewed at http://www.rdck.ca/EN/main/government/welcome.html
The Financial Plan may be viewed on the RDCK website at www.rdck.ca on March 31st.

The RDCK Board consists of eleven (11) electoral area directors and nine (9) municipal directors.

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