
Nelson Fire Rescue use Jaws of Life to remove occupant from MVA

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 29th, 2016

One occupant was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries following a two-vehicle accident Sunday afternoon at the intersection of Cedar and Observatory Streets in Nelson.

Nelson Fire Rescue responded to the motor vehicle accident at 5:47 p.m. Sunday.

Both members of the on-duty staff as well as two additional members responding from home attended the scene to find an off duty nurse performing spinal control on the patient still in one of the vehicles.

All other occupants were out of the vehicles.

NPD was on scene when NFR crews arrived.

“It was determined that extrication would be required to safely get the patient out of the vehicle using the Jaws of life,” said Captain Bob Patton in a NFR media release.

“NFR personal removed both passenger doors and the B-post of the vehicle to gain access and in conjunction with BC Ambulance Service personal the patient was removed using full spinal precautions and transported to KLH with what appears to be non-life threatening injuries.”

Hazmat concerns were dealt with, the vehicles secured.

Western auto wreckers towed both vehicles.

Nelson Fire Rescue Services would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to drive with due care & attention.

This incident was a joint effort Nelson Fire Rescue, BCAS and Nelson Police Department.

Categories: General
