
City of Trail sets strategic priorities

City of Trail
By City of Trail
January 29th, 2025

The City of Trail’s Mayor and Council have set their strategic priorities for the next two years, outlining significant new initiatives that the group has determined are high priorities for the remainder of the Council term.

“These priorities reflect our collective commitment to growth, inclusivity, and respect for the community’s rich history,” is the message from City Council. “Our strategic priorities outline the actions we are taking to build an energized and sustainable Trail—one that honours our roots while welcoming new opportunities, innovation, and diverse perspectives.”

City Council has set 34 priorities in seven areas: core services, complete community, local business, parks, recreation and culture, safe and secure infrastructure, regional partnerships and connectivity, and good governance.

“As we move forward, we are united in the belief that by working together, we will build a city that is strong, adaptable, and a place where everyone feels they belong. This is just the beginning of our journey, and with the continued support of our community, we are confident the future of Trail is bright,“ states the message from City Council.

It is recognized and acknowledged that the vast majority of the City’s resources are not devoted to new initiatives, but to the delivery of core services by staff in Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Administration, Engineering, Finance, Protective Services and Information Systems. These City staff ensure the efficient operation of the ongoing critical services.

Read the full Strategic Priorities document: trail.ca/strategicpriorities/.

Watch the Strategic Priorities overview video: youtube.com/CityofTrailLocalGovernment/.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: General
