BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline
The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...
Lotto 6/49 ship finally comes in for Surrey's Harry Black
A Surrey man, who has been playing the same numbers for the past 35 years, finally saw his ship come in in the April 13 6/49 draw. The Lower Mainland player won half of a record-breaking B.C. Lottery Corporation grand prize with not just one, but two winning tickets. The BCLC said that each of […]
Trail expansion plan meeting opposition
A regional district director is expressing strong opposition to a boundary expansion plan proposed by the City of Trail, after an agreement was reached last week between Trail and Teck to allow the plan to move forward ( http://trailchampion.com/news/city-and-teck-broker-agreement-massive-expansion-trail-boundaries-24858#.UaU ). “I will always, always be strongly opposed to it,” said Regional District of Kootenay Boundary […]
Monsanto protest draws hundreds
On May 25, as many as 200 people from all walks of life participated in raising awareness by “marching against Monsanto”. The event began at Millennium Park, where a table was set up to make protest signs, and participants were given research papers and information. The group facilitators hosted a wide variety of speakers...
MP supports today`s march against Monsanto in Castlegar
Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is hoping there will be a massive turnout for the May 25th march against Monsanto, the leading seller of genetically engineered (GE) seeds, at events scheduled around the world, including Castlegar. “This is a wonderful opportunity for citizens everywhere to speak with one voice...
Crunching the numbers: Some facts in break-down of new Trail/Teck deal
The City of Trail is offering more specific numbers regarding its plans to expand city boundaries to include the Columbia River Valley (encompassing the airport and Waneta Dam) almost all the way to the U.S Border (see attached map). Mayor Dieter Bogs said the city was approached by RDKB Area A business owners (the Waneta […]
City and Teck broker agreement for massive expansion of Trail boundaries
The following is a press release issued jointly by the City of Trail and Teck Cominco: The City of Trail will be moving forward with the boundary extension referral process which may result in the city extending its boundaries into Electoral Area A; including land from the city’s existing southern boundary through to the Columbia […]
City to review policy allowing mobile food vendors/restaurants
An upset letter from a local restaurant owner has council considering the implications of the number of mobile food vendors they license in the city. Element owner Florio Vassilakakis sent a letter arguing against allowing mobile vendors/restaurants (the food trucks you can see along Columbia Avenue), prompting city staff to...
Supply management an antiquated way to sell milk, chickens, eggs and cheese
by Jason Clemens and Alana Wilson, The Fraser Institute There are few Canadians who understand agricultural supply management and how it affects their daily lives, which is a major reason why this outdated system has survived. It’s receiving greater scrutiny now, though, because it’s impeding trade agreements. Canada has a real opportunity to advance our […]
Celgar brings inspirational speaker Spencer Beach to Castlegar
Celgar is proud to present inspirational keynote speaker Spencer Beach at Chances Castlegar on May 21 at 7 p.m. On a day just like any other, Beach was working as a flooring installer in Alberta when, in the blink of an eye, he found himself engulfed in a flash fire that changed his life forever. Today he travels North America...