

Trail man facing charges after being chased into river

A 33-year-old Trail man is facing a laundry list of charges after an altercation yesterday, according to RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton. "On June 3, at approximately 11:30 a.m., police responded to a complaint of a male attempting to pull a female from a vehicle during an argument, which occurred on Bay Avenue in Trail," Hawton said....

BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline

The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...

Out of Left Field: Congrats to Citizen of the Year Nick Chernoff

I'm writing this as a column because I can't possibly pretend to be unbiased about the charming, generous fellow who was last night awarded Citizen of the Year by the Knights of Columbus (KoC). Trowelex owner Nick Chernoff, 75, came to Castlegar when he was just 28, and has been here ever since, building community, volunteering...

Rossland Energy Diet goes viral...across Kootenays

The enormously successful Rossland Energy Diet pilot project has spawned the Kootenay Energy Diet as Fortis BC now pounds regional pavement to drum up municipal support and homeowner interest in a slough of rebates and other incentives to improve the energy efficiency of residential and business buildings. Patricia Dehnel, ...

Shooting Robson cougars the only humane option; rumours of fourth cougar false

The shooting of three cougars in Robson yesterday afternoon was not just the necessary way to protect public safety, it was also the only humane option for the animals as well, according to Conservation Officer Ben Beetlestone. He also debunked rumours of a fourth cougar sighted in the area. Beetlestone said his partner took...

LETTER: Everyone's invited to Castlegar Relay for Life

On Saturday, June 8, Castlegar will come together to celebrate, remember and fight back against cancer. Castlegar’s eighth annual Relay For Life will take place at the Pass Creek Fall Fair Grounds. As cancer doesn’t sleep, neither will we: Castlegar’s Relay For Life is a 12-hour, overnight event (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.), full of ...

Kootenay Co-op plans rally against CFIA 'local' definition

The Kootenay Co-op food store is mad as hell and refuse to accept changes by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Following a recent decision by the CFIA to make changes to the definition of local food, the Nelson-based store is organizing a rally on the front steps of the Kootenay Co-op on Saturday, (June 1) at 1 p.m....

Monsanto protest draws hundreds

On May 25, as many as 200 people from all walks of life participated in raising awareness by “marching against Monsanto”. The event began at Millennium Park, where a table was set up to make protest signs, and participants were given research papers and information. The group facilitators hosted a wide variety of speakers...

Food for thought: GDS-free bacon curry, quick homemade Garam Masala

Readers couldn't agree on whether they wanted bacon or curry for this week's recipe - so I got creative and came up with a simple bacon curry recipe that met with mixed reviews. I would've preferred it with chicken or shrimp, but my son absolutely loved the bacon in it and said this recipe is a keeper. I also wasn't wild about...

MP supports today`s march against Monsanto in Castlegar

Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior) is hoping there will be a massive turnout for the May 25th march against Monsanto, the leading seller of genetically engineered (GE) seeds, at events scheduled around the world, including Castlegar. “This is a wonderful opportunity for citizens everywhere to speak with one voice...