

The teacher's strike is more about the BC government's contempt for the Constitution than pay or working conditions

On the eve of the teachers’ full-out strike, the government proposed that “if either party is unhappy with the outcome of the government’s appeal of the court case the entire collective agreement can be terminated and a new round of bargaining begins.” To appreciate this proposal I examined the 2014 and 2011 decision of the...

Wynne’s Win, and the Agony of Right-Wing Pundits

While I realize it is churlish to take so much pleasure in the whining and wingeing of the usually arrogant right-wing pundits, I just can`t help myself. This gaggle of ideological nut bars rarely get angry at the fact that most governments in this country have been doing their duty in dismantling the democratic, activist...

First Nations Going to Court United Against Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Project

Today, we unequivocally reject the Harper Government’s decision to approve the Enbridge Northern Gateway tanker and pipelines project and First Nations will immediately go to court to vigorously pursue all lawful means to stop the Enbridge project. We have governed our lands, in accordance to our Indigenous laws, since time...

LETTER: In response to rainbow crosswalk controversy

Open message to our LGBT community - I feel compelled to speak on behalf of what I believe is a substantial segment of our community. We just don't know what to say so mostly we stay silent; so shame on us. We are 'straight' (whatever that means) and we just don't get it. We are biased by negative experience with LGBTs who ...

COMMENT: Pensions are not only a seniors’ problem – Part 1

In our discussions about affordability, the topic of pensions is immediately brought forward. My office receives letters, emails and phone calls every day from people worried about their retirement security and about their children’s retirement future. They are not alone. Despite the fact that Canada is one of the richest...

Reality is not what it used to be

“When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to THINK your life into existence.” -- Rhonda Byrne, author, The Secret “We create reality with our minds. Consciousness makes the reality you live in. Thoughts are actions, and cause consequences in the material...

Who needs $80 billion? Starve us some more!

For years Stephen Harper often seemed at war with his own government, so consistently critical were reviews by its various independent oversight agencies. It seems that at least one “independent” body, the Parliamentary Budget Office, is now a little more PMO-friendly. A recent report from the PBO’s new chief Jean-Denis Fréchette declared that thanks to […]

OP/ED: Minister releases statement on BCTF job action

Education Minister Peter Fassbender released the following statement in response to the BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF) decision to possibly escalate their job action to a full strike: "While we are disappointed with the BCTF's plans to escalate to a full walkout, this in no way changes our resolve to get an agreement by the...

Celgar shutdown promises economic spinoff for community

Celgar's annual 10-day shut down is now under way, according to communications coordinator Sandy Hinter. “At the peak of our shutdown, we will have an additional 500 people at Celgar (mostly contractors and equipment specialists from across the continent), many of whom are staying in the local hotels, eating in the local...

OP/ED: MP hosts Ottawa premiere of Nelson movie

On June 3, BC Southern Interior MP, Alex Atamanenko hosted the Ottawa premiere of “The Change Agents”. The evening was co-sponsored by the Citizens Climate Lobby, Ontario Chapter and saw more than 70 people in attendance, including 10 Members of Parliament. “It was an honour for me to host this important event. I would like […]