

COMMENT: Legalizing Prostitution Will Harm Women – Canada Must Target Buyers of Sex

By Joy Smith, MP. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the Criminal Code offences around prostitution are unconstitutional. This ruling leaves police without important legal tools to tackle sex trafficking and organized crime and does not reflect a 1990 Supreme Court of Canada decision which stated that the elimination...

Wellbeing Beyond Christmas

“Once our personal connection to what is wrong becomes clear, then we have to choose: we can go on as before, recognizing our dishonesty and living with it as best we can, or we can begin the effort to change the way we think and live.”                                                                                         ...

LETTER: Pass Creek Winter Celebration a hit

Hello Pass Creek Residents and community supporters; What an amazing Winter Celebration for the Pass Creek Community. • More than 120 people attended the event, with more than 40 families and 46 kids visiting Santa; • 96 wooden ornaments were decorated to take home; • 147 food items collected for Christmas hampers (est. $300...

Harper and His Movement Were No Friends to Mandela

Of all the hypocrisies revealed by Stephen Harper, perhaps none are so morally offensive as his sudden, solemn respect for Nelson Mandela. We will never know how Harper would reconcile his past attitudes towards apartheid with his trip to South Africa to honour the iconic statesman at his memorial. In 1989 Harper was a member...

LETTER: Politicians need to shape up when it comes to cattle industry, GMOs

How we come to these moments in local political history… On the one hand we have a member of our honourable Grand Forks city council declaring in a public forum on the night of Dec. 5th: “If glyphosate shows up in your urine, it is certainly an indication your body is processing it adequately.” Absolutely brilliant on the...

'State of the Basin' report released

Leaving no stone unturned in its 8.6 million hectare territory, the Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) has released the 2013 State of the Basin report. In the works for several years, the 2013 report updates and builds on the work produced in the 2008 State of the Basin report. The 75-page long report and 16-page...

COMMENT: IBEW 213 blasts Fortis BC for ongoing lockout

Ed. Note: The following is an opinion piece provided by The IBEW Union. Unless a Grinch’s heart grows, this story of 225 locked out electrical workers won’t have a very merry ending. The latest round of negotiations between FortisBC and its electrical workers have failed; all but ensuring 225 workers will be locked out for […]

Why Tories Are So Afraid of What Deloitte’s Runia Might Testify

With all the reporting on the Senate scandal you might think there’s not much more to be discovered. But reading the actual documents the RCMP turned up in its Mike Duffy investigation is definitely worth the effort. The documents pull back the curtain on Harperland, a landscape so profoundly unethical Harper’s staff does not...

B.C.'s Lieutenant Governor offers statement on death of Nelson Mandela

The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, issued this statement following the death of Nelson Mandela: "On behalf of all British Columbians, I offer my condolences to the family of Nelson Mandela and the people of his beloved South Africa. "Mr. Mandela was a visionary who demonstrated courage and...

COMMENT: Thank You

My lights went out early on a Monday in late November. This had happened to me before. About six years ago it happened at highway speed; the car was totaled and my wife Sue and I were lucky to be unhurt. Last spring, while shopping with Sue in a local supermarket, it happened again; I simply keeled over. I regained consciousness...