

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

City manager defends fire chief

I have read with interest some of the comments and letters written about the City's hiring of a second Deputy Fire Chief. I have been interested to see the comments because often times when members of our community write, they have brilliant ideas and cogent arguments that serve the community well. It is this reason that...

LETTER: Councillor responds to reader's commentary about fire chief

Ed note: This letter is in reference to comments made by Paul Therderahn in a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News, and to a comment made by Ron Armbruster in response to my subsequent rebuttal of that letter in The Source (see https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul8JyRDRUik...

Selkirk offers one-day course to help you deal with media

If interviewed by the media, would you be prepared to be spokesperson for your community group, charitable organization, interest group or business? If you’d like to brush up on your speaking and presentation skills, an upcoming Selkirk College media skills course will help improve your ability to get your message across. To...

COMMENT: Rebutting the rebuttal of my rebuttal ...

For those of you who haven't been following this story, this is a response to the comment after my column last week, which can be read at https://castlegarsource.com/news/comment-rebuttal-letter-editor-26720#.Ul5BThDRUik To the author of said comment: My response is so late in coming because I've really been searching my soul...

LETTER: Thankful for an idea for which the time has come

To the City of Castlegar, Thanks goes out to Deb McIntosh for bringing forward the idea of rainbow crosswalks downtown! Cheers to her and to the City Council for making the effort to make a symbolic gesture of tolerance and respect for diversity. Not only is it coming from a genuine place of good will, it's coming from the ...

Affordable housing initiative breaks ground in Salmo

Construction for a new 28-unit affordable housing development for families and seniors broke ground today in Salmo, thanks to funding by the governments of Canada and British Columbia and Columbia Basin Trust. "Our government is investing in affordable housing in British Columbia and across the country to help create jobs and...

LETTER: 50 Shades of Crosswalk

"It's not easy being green," said Kermit the Frog. Turns out it's not so easy being anything involving more than one colour these days, if the crosswalk debate is any indication. How did Lifesavers ever get its rainbow coalition of colours into a single package without mass revolt about things with holes in the middle (gutter...

World Bank report indicates US women still have a way to go to achieve equality

Tuesday, World Bank released the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development. The United States is referred to many times, often as a benchmark to foster understanding of recent gains for women in other parts of the globe. At the same time, United States women still lag behind US men in a number […]