

LETTER: Health cuts neither humane nor cost-effective

Ed. Note: The following was copied to The Source for publication as a letter to the editor:  Dr. Robert Halpenny, CEOInterior Health Authority220-1815 Kirschner RoadKelowna BC V1Y 4N7 Dear Dr. Halpenny, I was dismayed to learn that the IHA has decided to cut the Social Work positions that offer direct support and care to people and […]

May long weekend a yawn for Castlegar emergency services

Rainy weather seems to have dampened some of the less-savoury spirits in Castlegar as local police and fire fighters are reporting an unusually uneventful May long weekend. Fire chief Gerry Rempel said that, beyond a small brush fire and a false alarm or two, it was a great weekend to get local firetrucks and equipment polished...

Castlegar residents gearing up for dancin' in the streets

More than 400 people attended last year’s city street dance, held in conjunction with Sunfest – and this year should see an even better turn-out. City councillor Kevin Chernoff has helped organize this year’s event, and he said there’s some new innovations and fun additions to make sure everyone has a terrific time. “The street behind City […]

Sculpturewalk: Saturday slated for art attack

Castlegar Sculpturewalk will finally get its moment in the sun this Saturday, as the 16 finalist sculptures are finally installed and unveiled in the city’s core. Sculpturewalk volunteer Darlene Kalawsky said this is a much-anticipated moment for many residents. “It’s extremely exciting – you can feel the energy building,” she said, adding it has entailed […]

Bridge opening draws massive crowd

Inclement weather was no deterrent for the more than 1,200 people who showed up for the grand opening of the restored Brilliant Suspension Bridge. Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff said it was standing room only Saturday morning at the Brilliant Cultural Centre, where several speeches were offered by local dignitaries before the whole crowd made its […]

B.C. forest fire-fighters to be deployed in Ontario

British Columbia is sending 93 wildfire professionals to Ontario in anticipation of increased wildfire activity due to extreme fire conditions, Minister of Forests and Range Pat Bell said today. "Last year, more than 2,500 personnel from across Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand assisted us with an extremely challenging...

Slide show/movie presentation tonight showcases B.C. rivers

Join us for an evening filled with celebration and an event that is sure to inspire and tantalize your senses, on May 26 at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson at 7:30 p.m. This Benefit, Feature Film and Slide Show Presentation are brought to you in celebration of B.C. Rivers, in support of the SkeenaWatershed Conservation Coalition...

LETTER: Monsanto not welcome in Canada

Dear editor, Have you heard of the multinational chemical corporation Monsanto?  Did you know it is currently threatening to destroy the Canadian agricultural economy? This is the company that brought you Agent Orange, Genetically Modified Organisms, carcinogenic herbicides, PCBs and DDTs. Monsanto has a history of developing poisons, acids, plastics, biological warfare agents, bovine growth hormones […]

Saturday an historic day for Castlegar

A fundamental piece of Castlegar heritage will once again be accessible to the public after this weekend’s grand re-opening of the Brilliant Suspension Bridge. The bridge stands as testament to the pioneering spirit of the region’s early settlers – and as a symbol of the hopes, dreams and strategies that will guide the region’s future. […]

All welcome at massive community potluck

A huge community potluck picnic is in the works as plans come together for the 10th annual Blueberry Community School Hub picnic. School coordinator Bev George said last year drew 163 people - and they're hoping for even more this year. "The picnic is to get members of the community together, celebrating being a part of our...