
Salmo LED Street light Conversion of Downtown Core Complete

By Contributor
October 27th, 2016

The Village of Salmo is pleased to announce the completion of the 2016 LED Street Light conversion project. All the street lights within the Village’s development permit area, known as the downtown core of Salmo, were converted.
The project was put to tender in June 2016 and the successful proponent was Martech Electrical Systems Ltd. of Castlegar for installation of quality fixtures made by Canadian company LED Roadway Lighting Ltd.
The Village is scheduled to recover the costs of the new fixtures and installation within 5 years from reduced maintenance and energy costs, as well as FortisBC rebates.
This energy efficiency initiative flows from Council’s 2015-2019 Strategic Plan and the 2016 Strategic Community Energy and Emission Plans (S.C.E.E.P.).

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