

Date set for BC Family Day in February

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the government of B.C. Premier Christy Clark, along with Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government were joined by local families at the Vancouver Aquarium today to announce that B.C.'s Family Day will take place on the second Monday in...

Community Foundation to create sustainable funding pool for social needs in Castlegar

City council heard, at its regular meeting Tuesday night, that Castlegar's fledgling community foundation will be taking wing in a comparatively dramatic way, thanks to a $147,000 donation from Kootenay Savings Credit Union (KSCU). "That donation is kind of what gave us the momentum to get started," said foundation president...

OP/ED: MP slams Tory cuts to Community Access Program funding

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko added his voice today to the growing calls from his constituents demanding that the Conservative government reverse the cuts to the Community Access Program (CAP) hidden in the federal omnibus Budget Bill C-38 that will affect rural and low-income Canadians.   “CAP used to have more service...

NDP calls on province to fight GMO apples

New Democrats are calling on the B.C. Liberals to defend the B.C. fruit industry by working with the federal government to keep the province free of genetically modified fruit. "The B.C. tree fruit industry produces healthy products that are world famous for flavour and purity.  Growers are concerned that this marketing...

Midway mill logs top billing

The Boundary Sawmill start-up took top marks last week as community project of the year at the B.C. Economic Summit. The Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) and BC Hydro announced the winners of the 2012 BC Economic Development Awards at the banquet held Tuesday, May 15, in Richmond, B.C. Mayor Randy Kappes was on...

Modernizing technology for women's health

If you could ensure women in the Kootenay Boundary access to mammography with less radiation, better results and the capacity for non-surgical biopsies would you even question the potential? It’s a clear win situation for the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Foundation in their quest to purchase digital mammogram equipment....

Greenwood gold water gets official award

It's official. The City of Greenwood now has the trophy plate to prove it has the best tasting municipal water in the world. City mayor, Nipper Kettle, was presented the award during a "Best Tasting Water in the World" ceremony in Greenwood Friday, May 11. More than 200 people packed the McArthur Centre in downtown Greenwood...

Time's almost up to sponsor a sculpture for this year's SculptureWalk!

Wednesday  is the last day to sponsor a sculpture in this year’s SculptureWalk, then it’s full steam ahead to the Installation Day and Opening Gala on May 26. We will soon be welcoming 30 new sculptures into Castlegar’s downtown core – our biggest event yet. It’s a stellar crop this year, featuring unique, stunning works of...

BC Hydro offers update on Hugh Keenleyside Dam upgrades

Last month, low-level outlet gate five was removed from the dam for refurbishment. This process will take approximately three months and entails removing, inspecting and either replacing or refurbishing all of the parts; removing the existing seals; inspecting all existing welds; recoating the gate; installing the new seals;...

Shop Local Feature: Not your average businessman

When one thinks of the word ‘businessman’, the mental image one conjures is unlikely to look like Castlegar’s own Yanive Fenier. But, resplendent in his “Kootenay business suit” (jeans, T-shirt, running shoes), with bushy long black hair and five o’clock shadow, Fenier is perhaps the perfect Shop Local poster boy – someone ...
4°C Scattered Clouds

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