Justin Trudeau to visit Trail and Nelson within the week
Prime ministerial hopeful Justin Trudeau and his family will be in Nelson and Trail for informal meet-and-greets in less than a week, according to Southern Interior Liberal Riding Association president Dan Ashman. Ashman said Trudeau will be in Lakeside Park in Nelson on Sunday at around 5 p.m. and in Trail's Gyro Park at 2...
COMMENT: Bill C-45 Continues Gutting of the Fisheries Act
The federal Fisheries Act was designed to protect aquatic species, including preventing the dumping of harmful materials into fish-bearing waters. In 2012 Bill C-38, the Budget Implementation Act, began the gutting of the Fisheries Act by the Harper Conservatives in earnest. Four former federal Fisheries ministers were compelled...
Was Washington Behind Egypt’s Coup d’Etat?
[US Defense Secretary] Hagel and [US Chief of Staff General] Dempsey were walking a fine line … expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the U.S. was manipulating events behind the scenes.” (Military.com, July 3, 2013) The protest movement is directed against the US and its proxy Muslim Brotherhood regime. The Muslim Brotherhood had […]
Celgar to cut 85 jobs at Castlegar mill
Celgar managing director of operations Kevin Anderson told The Source today that 85 jobs will be cut from the mill over the next five years, most within the coming year. He said no single portion of the mill or the staff base will be targeted, with the workforce reduction taking place mill-wide, across most departments. "We...
OP/ED: MLA says Kootenay jobs at risk
A secret 10-year deal signed by forest minister Steve Thomson could have significant implications on B.C.’s pulp mills, including Celgar, says New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy. “We know that mills are having to pay more to get fiber, and we know that as the timber supply problem gets worse, it’s only going to get harder for ...
Out of Left Field: Looming byelection a political roulette
Another election! No, don't moan and groan – municipal byelections are interesting and fun! And dangerous. In fact, they're interesting and fun because they're dangerous – absolutely anything can happen in a byelection – think of it as a kind of political roulette game in which that little ball can land anywhere at all! So ...
Candidates coming forward for Castlegar byelection
It's official, Castlegar will be voting in a new city councillor in a Sept.-14 byelection, council heard at a special meeting Wednesday night. This, after the resignation of former councillor Russ Hearne, as he pursues career opportunities in Kelowna. As far as candidates go, former Castlegar councillor Kirk Duff has confirmed...
CRTC okays Bell Media buying out 35.8% of English-speaking media market in Canada
Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE)’s most recent bid to buy Astral Media‘s television and radio services for CAD$3.4 billion has been approved on Thursday by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the Canadian regulatory body which supervises broadcasting and telecommunications. The CRTC rejected BCE’s initial bid for Astral in October, citing concerns over market competition. […]
CRTC okays Bell Media buying out 35.8% of English-speaking media market in Canada
Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE)’s most recent bid to buy Astral Media‘s television and radio services for CAD$3.4 billion has been approved on Thursday by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the Canadian regulatory body which supervises broadcasting and telecommunications. The CRTC rejected BCE’s initial bid for Astral in October, citing concerns over market competition. […]
Local kids get Water Smart and win iPods in the process
Two lucky Castlegar kids were awarded, June 15, for their spectacular efforts in the City of Castlegar’s Drinking Water Week coloring contest. Eight-year-old GabrielleSwetlicoff and 11-year-old Cyan Ross-Van Mierlo were two of nearly 200 children who entered the contest, which involved colouring a poster highlighting the path...