

RDCK votes to hold referendum on over-$32-mill upgrades to Complex

At its meeting yesterday, the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) considered two bylaws pertaining to the proposed “Option B” enhancements to the Castlegar and District Community Complex. The bylaws were prepared to establish a new recreation service to replace the two existing services and...

Survey sees majority approving almost $32.5 mill upgrade to Complex

The majority of survey respondents in Castlegar and area have voted for Complex upgrades estimated to cost $32,370,000 (Option B. For more information about facility options, visit https://myactivityhub.ca/the-project/facility-options/ ). In a press release issued today, the RDCK indicated that almost 1,200 households completed...

Column: A strange way to pick a leader

  When a political party sets rules for a leadership race and tries to be all things to all members, the result can end up looking more like the proverbial camel designed by a committee than a true and fair method for members to choose a new leader. As they did in 2011, the B.C. Liberal party opted to continue with its practice...

Editorial: On how we vote in BC -- will it change, or not?

Come the next BC election, will we have Proportional Representation (of some kind) or business-as-usual with First-Past-the-Post? A lot of ink and pixels have been swirling around the news and opinion media on the topic. It still bears more examination, given the disparate views expressed. Let’s do some examining, and...

Column: 'From the Hill' -- BC's natural resources

In mid-January I attended the British Columbia Natural Resources Forum in Prince George.  This is one of the biggest gatherings of resource companies, government leaders and nongovernment organizations in Canada, and is always a good place to hear the latest news from that sector. I was happy to see federal Natural Resources...

International scientists call on Canada to re-invest in climate science

Hundreds of prominent international scientists specializing in climate and atmospheric science released an open letter today urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to re-invest in climate science. The letter raises concern that a crisis is looming for Canadian climate and atmospheric research following the government’s failure...

Opinion: BC Hydro asking for a loan? Overheard by a fly on the wall

Loans Officer (LO):  So you'd like to borrow $10.7 billion? BC Hydro (BCH):  Yes sir. It's for a hydro-electric dam. LO:   Well that's a lot of green for green energy. How exactly did you arrive at that cost? BCH:  Happy to report we went to the same team that came up with the $1.5 billion estimate for the Port Mann bridge....

10 Questions with BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver

By Carol Linnet of DeSmog Canada B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver went from being B.C.’s solitary Green MLA in 2013 to holding the balance of power in the province’s current minority government. While the transition has had its ups and downs for the climate scientist, public scrutiny of Weaver’s position and what he ought...

Assessed property values: a few dramatic changes

Assessed property value changes from 2017 to 2018 Revelstoke residents will see an average increase in property values of just over 21% -- the largest increase in the Kootenay-Columbia region.  The next largest increase in average assessed values is 17.2%, in Fruitvale.  Midway takes third place, with an average increase of...

Column: From the Hill

Earlier this month I helped out at the Salvation Army Christmas hamper distribution event.  It felt good to play a small part in making hundreds of people have a happier Christmas—healthy food, toys for the kids.  It was especially nice to see boxes of local fruits and vegetables on their way to homes that have a tough time...