

RANT: Speaking of garbage ...

I have, in my political writing in Castlegar, only ever publicly called out one person. One. He reciprocated at length (and good on him, fair is fair). I say what I like in my personal dealings, but I often silence myself and rarely speak to any one candidate in any election or any individual in any issue when speaking as The...

Public input required on preserving the Pend d'Oreille

Comments and feedback are being sought on a proposed new Access Management Area in the Pend d'Oreille Valley in the Kootenay Boundary region as part of an update to the spring 2016 edition of the B.C. Hunting and Trapping Synopsis. The proposed change, under the Wildlife Act's motor vehicle prohibition regulation, would reduce...

Financial plan amendments cost city nearly $1.5 million

Several “unforseen costs" have forced the city to crack open its existing financial plan and incorporate amendments to account for the cash. Topping the list of four items that have to be added into the budget are the clean-up costs of the June 29 storm that pelted the city, racking up over $850,000 in damages to Nelson Hydro...

Premier Christy Clark issues statement regarding one of British Columbia’s most iconic leaders

Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement on the death of former Premier William (Bill) Bennett after it was announced that the former BC Premier died Thursday night in Kelowna at age 83. Bennett had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for several years. Bennett succeeded his father, former premier W.A.C. Bennett...

Recreation master plan creates confusion

Some confusion is plaguing residents after the Castlegar and District Recreation Commission unveiled a draft master plan at two open houses on Monday. The plan (which can be viewed in its entirety online by clicking here ) is a weighty document of 212 pages, and includes the majority of the options on the Castlegar wish-list...

New IHA CEO visits Nelson but leaves laundry services question in spring spin cycle, with social fabric softener now added in

The social equation will factor into the recommendation given to the Interior Health Authority board in March when they are called upon to decide the future of laundry services — and 17 fulltime jobs — at Nelson’s Kootenay Lake Hospital, claims the IHA’s new president and chief executive officer. Chris Mazurkewich said Monday...

Rossland Chosen for SOWK Green Party AGM

The day after “Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas” in Rossland, the South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding association of the Green Party of Canada will hold its AGM at the Old Firehall in Rossland, at the corner of Queen Street and First Avenue.  On December 6, at 1:00 pm, the meeting will open to Green Party of […]

Report From the Hill (Parliament Hill, that is ... not the ski hill!)

By Richard Cannings, Member of Parliament  for South Okanagan-West Kootenay: News from Parliament Hill has been overshadowed in the past two weeks by news of tragic events in Beirut, Paris and Mali.  The terrorists that carried out these attacks may have had different local political goals, but they had one overarching aim in mind—to sow […]

RANT: From coffee cups to remembrance to refugees - we are getting it ALL wrong

There’s an insidious either/or mentality invading our political lexicon that I think is actually becoming an outstandingly effective camouflage for genuine evil, and it’s making me crazy to see how few people seem to realize how totally they are being manipulated by it. It starts off benign enough – in fact, in such a stupid...

Solar garden grows into seedling as pre-sales begin to move ahead

The city’s solar garden project is over half way to realization after the launch of pre sales last week and city council’s final stamp of approval. City council gave its blessing to the program last week by bestowing the authority to Nelson Hydro to begin pre-selling panels, as well as selecting the city’s Bonnington Generating […]
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