Nelson Police report 'quiet' Halloween 2015
Nelson Police Sergeant Dino Falcone said Halloween 2015 was "quiet" for the most part despite the fact the night of trick-or-treating fell on the time change weekend. "We had quite a few calls (2014) compared with this year," Falcone told The Nelson Daily Monday. "This year we had about 27 calls which four were noise complaints...
Halloween fireworks display
Watch the video to see Les Johnson's recording of the Halloween fireworks...
OP/ED: Protect water sources from free ranging cattle
Newsletter... I am sharing a few pictures that represent a typical water/grassland scene on the Gipin Grasslands. The pictures showcase the largest tributary to Morrissey Creek before the creek drops into a canyon and an adjacent meadow that was the site of a recent forest thinning burn. Morrissey Creek watershed is one of ...
OP/ED: Blueberry School Sale a Poor Deal for SD 20
I am Mark Wilson – School Trustee for the Trail area and after reading the Article on the Sale of Blueberry School dated October 30/15 in your paper, I would like to clarify a few items. These are my opinions backed by facts. 1. The vote to sell this school for $1 was passed by […]
Local Resident Receives National Environmental Education Award
Monica Nissen, local Nelson resident and Director of Wildsight’s education programs, was awarded a prestigious national award in Canmore last week—the 2015 Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Award of Excellence. Monica’s passion for the wilderness and her gift for teaching drew her into the field...
Police, community looks to pick up pieces after sentencing of NPD Constable
It must have been a somber day inside the offices of 606 Stanley Street as the Nelson Police Department dealt with the news that one of their own had been sentenced to 30 days house arrest and a one-year probation for an assault charge on a woman. NPD Const. Drew Turner was in BC Provincial Court Tuesday to hear his sentence...
NPD Constable handed Conditional Sentence Order after assault conviction
A Nelson Police Constable was handed a Conditional Sentence Order 30 Days House Arrest and one year probation Tuesday by BC Provincial Court Judge Richard Hewson. Judge Hewson sentenced Const. Drew Turner at Nelson Courthouse after the Nelson Police Department officer was convicted for assault in September following an incident...
Locals thrilled at news Canada Post is putting brakes on Community Mailbox Program
President of Canada Post Workers Union (CUPW) Local 790 Brenda Muscoby-Yanke was elated with a news release Monday that Canada Post has temporarily suspended future deployment of the program to convert door-to-door mail delivery to community mailboxes. “We think this is great news for all Canadians let alone the Nelson workers...
Healthy Smiles for Your Child at Halloween
Halloween is almost here, and that means candy and lots of it! We all know that candy can cause cavities, but trick or treating doesn't have to be a scary time for your teeth. Cavities can be prevented with a few simple tips There are many factors involved in tooth decay, but the most important risk factors are how often...
Lack of compliance with producer-oriented recycling costs hits local taxpayers in the wallet
A provincially-mandated recycling program predicted to save B.C. regional districts and municipalities millions of dollars is instead costing the Regional District of Central Kootenay and its member communities over $425,000. The Multi Material B.C. (MMBC) program was brought in to put the onus and the cost on the commercial...