
RDCK says ammonia leak at NDCC Arena injures one worker

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 22nd, 2015

The Regional District of Central Kootenay said one worker was injured and the Nelson and District Community Complex (NDCC) was closed for several hours following an ammonia leak in the arena refrigeration Tuesday.

“Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our staff and of the public,” said Stuart Horn, Chief Administrative Officer for the RDCK.

“Arena staff are working closely with the BC Safety Authority and WorkSafe BC to determine all the facts in the incident.”

The RDCK Safety Committee, NDCC staff along with technical assistance, have begun their investigation into the leak.

Horn said the arena has now reopened and is operating normally.

The RDCK said during the leak, ammonia levels in the facility and around the arena were at very low concentrations.   

The NDCC arena is equipped with an ammonia sensor and alarm located in the compressor room that notifies staff and shuts down the arena air handling unit in the event of a leak or emergency.   

“The Nelson Fire Department responded promptly to the incident and we appreciate the work they and our staff did to keep everyone safe,” said Horn.

Anhydrous ammonia is commonly used in refrigeration plants in arenas across BC, Canada and North America. Ice arenas are highly regulated and refrigeration equipment is regularly inspected. 

Horn said the NDCC has a very good operational track record.  

The RDCK continues its investigation and will release more information once the internal investigation is completed. 

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