
Bears foraging for food force RDCK to reduce hours at Kokanee Park Marina recycling bins

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 3rd, 2015

Some inquisitive bears foraging for food around the recycling bins in the parking lot of the Kokanee Park Marina has prompted the Regional District of Central Kootenay to reduce hours of the facility.

The RDCK said the bears have been spotted around the recycling bin several times.

One bear was recently trapped and relocated.

“I’ve seen bears stand up with their paws on the bin and reach in for items at this sit,” said RDCK Conservation Officer Nathan Smienk.

“If people are going to use it (the recycling depot) then they should use it properly. If recyclables are cleaned then the attractant is minimized.”

The RDCK said when bears become dependent on human provided food source it can become a potentially dangerous situation for the bear as well as people in the area. 

The RDCK is currently working with the Kokanee Park Marina owner to mitigate the bins from being an attractant by reducing hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. 

The Kokanee Marina recycling depot has historically been open 24/7.

The RDCK will post signs at the site and encouraging people to manage their recycling responsibly, as that will have the biggest effect on the outcome of this situation.

If the issue persists, we may need to consider closing the bins temporarily in which case residents can bring their recyclables to the Balfour Transfer Station during open hours.

Residents and visitors to the area can help out this bear and other wildlife by doing the following;

  • Clean all recyclables (the scent is an attractant for bears and wildlife)
  • Do not dispose of garbage in recycling bins
  • Do not leave garbage or recyclables outside of the bins. This could potentially make the problem worse.  
  • Remember that bears belong in nature, and we can all help to ensure they stay there if everyone is responsible with their waste

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