
Trail city council decisions for July 13

City of Trail
By City of Trail
July 16th, 2015

Governance and Operations Committee meeting highlights

  • Council approved the contract award for the Trail Aquatic & Leisure Centre Roof Replacement Project to Trail Roofing in the amount of $395,000. Council also authorized staff to proceed and provide Council with further reporting should the repair exceed the projected contingency of $50,000.  
  • Council approved the contract award for the concept development, detail design and contract document preparation for the Glover Road Sidewalk/Handrail Improvement Project to TRUE Consulting Ltd. in the amount of $33,310.
  • Council approved the purchases for Phase II of the LED Street Lighting Retrofit Program to Wesco Distribution in the amount of $118,093.75. These purchases include LED Cobrahead street lights that will be installed on the Fortis-owned (wooden) utility poles.  Phase I of the project, which included installation of LED lights on the City-owned (metal) utility poles, was completed in 2014 and early 2015.
  • Council approved borrowing of $4,916,000, as authorized by the Columbia River Utilities/Pedestrian Bridge Loan Authorization Bylaw 2775, 2014, from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia as part of the Fall 2015 borrowing session.  Trail’s electors voted in favour of Council adopting the borrowing bylaw in August, 2014. Council also agreed to request the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) to consent to the City of Trail’s borrowing over a 25 year term and include the borrowing in their Security Issuing Bylaw.
  • Council agreed to waive 50% of the Gyro Park rental fees, estimated at $205, for the Kidney Walk being hosted by the BC Kidney Foundation on September 27, 2015.
  • Council agreed to provide a cash grant in the amount of $1500 to the Trail Association of Community Living (TACL) to assist with the organization’s operating costs.  The TACL had applied for a property tax exemption; however, Council is cautious in granting permissive tax exemptions as there are many worthwhile non-profit groups doing great work in the community.   Council will also advocate for better funding to non-profit organizations that provide community services where the majority of funding comes from the Provincial Government.
  • Council agreed to waive 50% of the weekday morning ice time rental fees, estimated at $1782, for the Greater Trail Minor Hockey Association (GTMHA)’s upcoming hockey season.

Regular council meeting highlights:

  • Council advised staff to notify the owners of 1446 Second Avenue they are in contravention of the Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 2669, 2008 and to also inform the owners they have 30 days to remove the accumulated materials and to cut the grass on their property within 30 days of receipt of the notice.
  • Council advised staff to notify the owners of 1120 Milligan Avenue they are in contravention of the Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 2669, 2008 and to also inform the owners they have 30 days to remove the accumulated materials on their property within 30 days of receipt of the notice.
  • Council advised staff to notify the owners of 1414-1416 Ash Street, 1080 Green Avenue, 1556 Pine Avenue, 1170 Nelson Avenue, 235 Rossland Avenue, 249 Railway Lane, 1430 Fifth Avenue, 1201 Second Avenue, 1259 Third Avenue and 3309 Lilac Crescent they are in contravention of the Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 2669, 2008 and to also inform the owners they have 30 days to remove the accumulation of vegetation on their property and/or to cut the grass within 30 days of receipt of the notice.
  • Council received three readings of the Trail Recreation Fee Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2795, 2015. The bylaw reflects fee increases for facility rentals, admissions and memberships to facilities, equipment rentals and the TRP program. The bylaw will be advanced to Council for adoption in August, 2015.


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