
Trail recreation rates to rise

Chris Stedile
By Chris Stedile
July 21st, 2015

Rates are on the rise for recreational services in Trail.

Monday afternoon, council received three readings of the Trail Recreation Fee Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2795. The bylaw will be advanced to adoption in August and proposes an increase in fees by 1.7 per cent at various facilities including the Memorial Centre and gymnasium.

Additionally, those outside of the Trail area will have to pay an additional $18 to acquire a Trail Residency Card. The card permits local rates to those living outside city limits and the use of some in-city sports programs. As of this time, the card costs $1,000.

Mayor Mike Martin said, “These are fee increases related to inflationary costs and it’s a pretty standard part of our business.”

Prior to the readings the city did gather data on the various facilities and found the Aquatic Centre to have no need for any increase in fees. However this doesn’t help the sinking Stingrays.

The swim club has been suffering ever since the implementation of the TRP. Previously, President of the club Sean Miller stated that the Rays are nearly bankrupt and are spending much of their funds trying to cover the costs of the TRP for Rosslanders. Numbers have also declined significantly since the program was introduced, as it makes it more of a hassle for many people.

In May, after much deliberation, Rossland council decided to grant the club $5,000 and help them work on a case to deliver to the Trail council so this is a non-issue in the future.

Martin said that the issue is on his radar but he has yet to find time for a direct discussion with the club on the future and possible solutions. Having said that, the mayor said he believes a solution may be closer than many think; one that will not only help the swim club but many other sports programs around the area.

“This whole matter of the inequities that revolve around these sports groups and how they are managed from community to community will really disappear, if in fact we are successful in getting recreation agreements with our partners here.”

At the time, Martin was not able to elaborate further.

Categories: GeneralPolitics
