
Trio of MVAs keep Nelson Fire Department busy

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 11th, 2015

Emergency crews were busy Monday evening with no less than three motor vehicle accidents throughout the city said Nelson Assistant Fire Chief Mike Daloise.

The first incident was called in at 9:02 p.m. in the 500 block of Baker Street.

Daloise said dispatch received a report of a two vehicle motor vehicle accident.

“The on duty officer responded in a fire engine to assess,” Daloise explained.

“Upon arrival it was quickly determined that the incident was relatively minor and did not require additional resources.”

Shortly after the first incident was reported, a call came in just over an hour later, 10:09 p.m. of a motor vehicle accident at the corner of Second Street and Davies Street. 

Daloise said the duty officer again responded with an engine. 

“This incident was more serious as a vehicle had unsuccessfully attempted to make at turn at the intersection,” Daloise said.

“The vehicle had crossed the oncoming lane of traffic and travelled onto the boulevard striking a bus shelter.”

Daloise said there was extensive damage to the Nelson Transit bus stop shelter and it was very fortunate that nobody was in it at the time.

While still dealing with the Second and Davies motor vehicle accident, there was a report of a vehicle fire at the Pango Pizza restaurant on Anderson Street across from Safeway grocery store. 

Daloise said the initial report was that the vehicle was up against the building and flames were impinging on the restaurant. 

“The on duty shift officer responded directly to the scene from the other incident and requested that the other on duty firefighter respond in the utility vehicle,” Daloise said.

“Additionally four more off duty members were called out from home.”

Daloise said Nelson Police Department officers arrived first on scene and attempted to extinguish the fire using a portable fire extinguisher. 

Daloise siad when fire department crews arrived they were able to open the hood and extinguish the fire. 

“As soon as the vehicle fire was knocked down the crews went into the restaurant to ensure that the fire had not extended inside,” he said.

“Fortunately there was no fire or smoke damage inside the restaurant.

“The driver of the vehicle was not in the vehicle when the fire started and was first observed by people driving by.”

Daloise said fire appears to have originated in the engine compartment and did not spread to the passenger compartment. 

Unfortunately there is extensive damage to the engine and other components under the hood.

Daloise said Nelson Fire Rescue responded to the fire incident with two fire engines, and one utility vehicle. 

No injuries were reported as a result of this incident however, damage is estimated at $1500. 

The cause of the fire is still under investigation but is not suspicious.

Nelson Fire Rescue Services would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that there is currently a complete fire ban both in the City of Nelson as well as the surrounding area.

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