
Rossland Recreation: More Public Skating for the Holidays

Rossland Recreation
By Rossland Recreation
December 3rd, 2015

REC Dept. over the Holidays

During the week of December 21st to 27th, the REC Dept. will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9:00-4:00pm, December 21-23.  The Office will be closed on Thursday, December 24th.  During the second week of the Holidays, the Dept. will be open Monday, December 28th to Thursday, December 31st.  Please give us a call to inquire about renting ice at the Arena, registering for a program or to find out what’s happening around town. 


More Public Skating over the Holidays

We have extra public skating over the holidays! 

Monday, December 21:  2:30-4:00pm

Tuesday, December 22:                 4:00-5:30pm

Wednesday, December 23:  6:30-7:45pm

Sunday, December 27:  2:30-4:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm

Monday, December 28:  2:30-4:00pm

Tuesday, December 29:  4:00-5:30pm

Wednesday, December 30:  6:30-7:45pm

Sunday, January 3:  2:30-4:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm 


Please check out the City’s website, at www.rossland.ca/rossland-arena,  for information about skate rentals  and admission prices. 


ICE Rentals

Over the Holidays there’s plenty of ice to rent for a birthday party, a holiday party, an office party or just to recreate and have fun!  Prices vary from 45.00/hr to $112.00/hr depending on the time of day and whether the rental is for youth or adults.  Please contact our office to see what ice is available!        REC Dept. 250-362-2327


Recreation Programs Postponed over the Holidays, at RSS

Rossland Summit School closes for the Holidays, on Friday December 18th.  The Recreation Programs in the Gym will be postponed over the Holidays and then resume in January. 


Community Volleyball starts on December 3!

Volleyball has been on hold for a few months while we look for a new Coordinator to oversee the program.  Ryan has stepped up and will get the ball going again, starting Thursday, December 3.   Recreational volleyball is held at RSS, in the Gym, from 7:30-9:30pm.  The program will run until December 17 and then take a break for the Holidays, resuming in January.  This is a fun program and you don’t have to be ex-varsity to enjoy.  Drop in is $2.00 or $5.00 for the season. 


Kids Yoga After School  Last class is Wednesday, December 9!

Children derive enormous benefits from yoga.  Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness.  Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with their inner self develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them.  This is a playful yoga class to introduce basic yoga positions through games and other activities.  This class is light on meditation and heavy on fun!  Classes are Wednesdays from 2:50-3:50pm in the Miners Hall for youth ages 6-12 years. 


Tumbleweeds for Infants and Tots  Last class is December 15!!

Tumbleweeds is a movement based parent / tot program designed specifically to encourage children to explore movement through play based free time activities.  This is a great program for parents and caregivers to get a chance to get out into the community and meet others in a fun, non-structured, social venue.  Tuesdays from 10:30-11:15am in the Miners Hall.  $6.00 drop in per family. 


Prenatal Yoga Classes – starts December 6

A 7 week prenatal yoga class for expecting Moms to prepare in a safe and supportive environment through yoga postures and breath techniques.   Connect with your body and your baby bump through this incredible journey….and with a community of Mamas!  Classes will be held December 6 to January 31 (no class December 27) on Sundays from 11:00-12:00pm in the Miners Hall.  Drop in is $12.00 per class and a 6x punch pass is $60.00.  Passes  can be purchased from the Instructor or at the REC Dept. 


Youth REC Hockey – Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm

If your Youth is between 11-13 years, they can play non-contact fun hockey on Monday afternoons from 3:30-4:30pm.  Youth will enjoy skills and drills and a game of scrimmage hockey at the end of each session.   The program runs from the beginning of October until the end of February.   It’s not too late for your Youth to join!


Adult REC Hockey

Schedule over Christmas – December 22 & 29th

Join a great group of people for a fun, co-ed hockey program on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Rossland Arena.  Coordinated by Erika Bailey, the REC Hockey series is for players to have fun, play fair and enjoy playing with other folks who love hockey!   Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:45-11:00pm.  Rossland Arena.  Enter on 2nd Ave.  $10.00 drop in or you can purchase a 10X punch pass for $80.00 from Erika or from the REC Department. 


Morning Stretch & Strength

No classes after December 18th.  Program picks up again in the New Year. 

Barb is a registered Physiotherapist and will use rehab and strengthening principles to give you a well-balanced full body workout.  This is a fun, basic level class for building and maintaining strength.  Sessions include a ten minute warm up, 40 minutes of strength conditioning and a 10 minute cool down stretch.  Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays for Intermediate levels, from 9:00-10:00am and Fridays for advanced levels, from 9:00-10:00am.  Classes are held in the Miners Hall.  Drop in is $8.00 and a 10 x punch pass is $70.00. 


Dance Fit!  Last class is Wednesday, December 16th

Join Drea every Monday and Wednesday at 9:00am in the Miners Hall for a 60 min Dance Fitness Class!  Offering a range of styles & combination of cardio, choreography and flexibility that are designed to touch on all aspects of fitness and safety, classes can be modified to meet each individual’s needs. Low/Moderate & High intensity options!  Maternity friendly!  Strap on your shoes and come try something new!!  DanceFit is an excellent way to include some cardio activity into your day & condition your body for the winter season ahead.  Drop in is only $8.00 and a 10 visit punch card can be purchased at Rossland Rec for $70.00.   


Winter Wisdom Hatha Yoga – Mondays

Hatha flow yoga practice for beginners to veterans, focused on the inner wisdom of the winter season.  Infused with Ayurvedic practices and Hindu mythology to maintain the magic, balance and support amidst your winter meanderings.  Classes are November 23 to January 25 (no class December 28) in the Miners Hall from 6:00-7:15pm. 

Community Yoga Jam – Wednesdays

No class December 23, 2015

A community yoga class for all, instructed by rotating local yoga instructors.  This class is meant to be accessible to all levels of yoga practitioners.  Partial proceeds will be donated back to the community.  This will be a great opportunity to build community, friendships and practice yoga on and off the mat!  Classes are on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15pm starting November 25 until January 27, (no class December 23).  Fees will be on a sliding scale ($5.00 to $12.00) based on financial ability. 


Karate Classes in 2016

Lil Dragons and Karate Kids

With the closure of the Miners Hall at the end of January, the Karate classes will be moving to RSS at the beginning of January.  Lil Dragons is a Karate Class for kids ages 5-7 years and will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45-5:15pm.  Lil Dragons is $175.00 for the semester or $75.00 per month.  The semesters run from January 5 – March 17 and April 5 – June 16, 2016.  Karate Kids is a class for kids ages 8+ and all yellow belts and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:15-6:15pm.  Karate Kids is $250.00 per semester or $100.00 per month.  Both classes will be held in the Gym . 

Adult Karate

The Rossland Chito Ryu Karate Dojo is welcoming new students and any old Shotokan members to come and train with Scott Hutcheson, the 2014 & 2015 Men’s Master’s Black Belt Weapons Kata Gold Medalist.  Adult (14+) classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm.  Location is still to be determined.  The fees are $325.00 per semester or $125.00 per month.  The semesters fall from January 5-March 17 and April 5-June 16. Please contact the REC Dept. to register, at 250-362-2327. 


Participation in the Karate Classes requires 2 annual membership payments – Karate BC ($55.00/Adults – $35.00/Youth) and BC Chito-kai ($12.00).  Membership payments can be given directly to Sensei Scott. 


Art Classes in 2016

There are two art classes starting in January. 

Drawing & Sketching #2.  This is the second part of the Drawing & Sketching class where the participants will focus more on detail, shading and techniques.  Dates are January 11 to February 1 on Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm in the Arena Lounge. 

Mini-Movie (Stop Action Style) Art Classis a short 6 week class that will arm you with the skills to plan, film and edit a short stop action movie.  Dates are January 11 to February 1 on Mondays from 5:00-6:00pm. 


Disc Golf starts in January!

Disc Golf is played much like traditional golf.  Instead of a ball and clubs however, players throw a flying disc at a basket and try to get their disc into the basket in the fewest numbers of throws.  Dates are January 8 to March 4 on Fridays from 7:00-9:00pm in the RSS Gym. 



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