
Kootenay and Boundary Food Producers Co-op Launch First Full Year

By Contributor
June 23rd, 2016

The Kootenay & Boundary Food Producers Co-op (KBFPC) is steadily working towards its goal of creating a sustainable local food economy where local food is always available in the grocery store where you shop and the restaurants where you eat, all while the farmers and businesses who produce it are making a living wage. Nicholas Albright, the KBFPC’s Coordinator, says “the first step is always the hardest. For that vision to be a reality we need to rebuild a distribution system to get that fresh produce to stores and restaurants, and create storage facilities so the goodness of local produce can by available later into the winter. These kinds of supports for small farmers disappeared as the large industrial farming model became popular.”

“The KBFPC has launched it’s first full year of operations of helping farmers find new local businesses interested in offering local food, distribution and storage services” says Kim Charlesworth, chair of the volunteer management team. “But we require broad public support to make a sustainable local food system a reality. We are already fulfilling orders to stores and restaurants this spring that would not otherwise have happened, but our volumes are still low, so our services are not yet self-sustaining. Our immediate goal is to raise $5000 over the next two months. This will support the Coordinator who is on the ground, talking to our farmers and producers every day and making the sales, orders and deliveries happen. We are making every dollar go a long way. We are asking individuals who believe in supporting local agriculture and local business to help fertilize this vision by contributing to our 2016 crowdfunding campaign directly at www.kbfpc.ca. Over the next year we need to raise $20,000 to accomplish our 2016 goals and make them a reality.”

“The benefits of buying Local are well documented” Albright explains. “It is fresher and therefore more nutritious; it hasn’t traveled hundreds of miles, and is therefore climate friendly; it keeps your money in the region which builds economic resiliency for us all. Our growing group of producer members are from all across the region – Fruitvale, Argenta, Creston, Grand Forks, Winlaw, Nelway, Salmo and Nelson. Local grocery stores and restaurants in Trail, Rossland, Castlgar, Slocan and Nelson are purchasing from these farmers through the Kootenay & Boundary Food Producers Co-op. In addition, we are collaborating with other established food groups like Kootenay Local Agriculture Society to maximize our efforts.”

There are several ways you can help right now; most urgently, chip into our 2016 crowdfunding campaign. Next, help get the word out. Whenever possible purchase true local products, and ask the stores and restaurants you visit to purchase from local farmers. When you do, realize you are not only feeding your families healthy food BUT building towards a healthy food future for our entire community.

 For more information or to join the K&B “Farm Hand” supporters,email  regionalproducerscoop@gmail.com or visit www.kbfpc.ca/375-2/ or facebook @Kootenay-and-Boundary-Food-Producers-Co-op .

Categories: GeneralHealth


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