

Councillor gets answers for 'Million-Dollar Alley'

Two representatives from the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) were in town yesterday to discuss ongoing concerns over a stretch of Highway 22 dubbed 'Million-Dollar Alley' because of the many accidents that have historically taken place there. The MoT recently completed an almost-$2-million Series of improvements to the...

Accident on Broadwater; police say local drivers stepping up

Castlegar police are crediting the wisdom of local drivers for a lack of accidents in the area over the past two days, according to RCMP Cpl. Dan Pollock. He said there was a collision at about 6:30 p.m. Saturday on Broadwater Road in Robson, one small accident Sunday, and a couple of cars in the ditch today – minor problems,...

Dozens dead in Connecticut school shooting

Before turning the gun on himself, a 20-year-old male opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut killing 28 people, 20 of them children ranging from five to ten years old. Approximately 600 students were inside the school. The New York Post identifies the shooter as 20-year-old Adam Lanza. He was...

COMMENT: Tight lips tank trust

Following the city’s overzealous and incorrect use of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA) to withhold letters that are clearly in the public’s interest and do not “unfairly” harm anyone’s reputation, I am left wondering what, exactly, remains in the five redacted lines in Coun. Kathy Moore’s letter...

OP/ED: Public consultation on the Department Of Peace bill

As part of its annual general meeting, the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative held the last of its public consultations on the creation of a Department of Peace. The meeting which took place at St. Paul University in Ottawa featured a panel of five commissioners and interventions from the public.  (It was especially...

Healthy Tips for the Holidays--courtesy of IHA

In anticipation of heavy volumes at area Emergency Departments over the holiday season, Interior Health is reminding the public to take a few simple steps to avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital. For non-urgent care during office hours, call your family doctor or the doctor on call for the practice or clinic. Consider going...

Fast forward

A few months into the new blended learning model at Rossland Secondary School and we are able to take some time to reflect on the successes, as well as discuss the adjustments we need to make. We know it takes time to implement change and for the students and teachers to adjust to the new system and realize that the program...

Low emissions car launched in Qatar

Qatari non-profit organization Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD) launched a low emissions car at the 2012 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 18) in Doha. The car was designed and developed in Qatar. Revealed during a press conference at the Qatar National Convention Centre, the car in addition...

Majority of British Columbians support higher taxes, says poll

An opinion research study released today shows the public is ahead of political leaders when it comes to tax policy. It finds most British Columbians — regardless of how they would vote in a provincial election — are in favour of changes to BC’s tax system to ensure everyone pays a fair share and to enable new or enhanced...

Armed robbery at Chances Casino in Mission

  The following is a press release issued by Mission RCMP: On Nov. 28 at 11:30 p.m., Mission RCMP responded to an armed robbery at Chances Casino located at 1-7178 Horne St. in Mission. Two male suspects wearing gloves, masks and hoodies  entered the casino. Suspect #1 approached the teller at the front counter wicket, demanding...